Hero of the Hidden Leaf - Naruto Shippuden Episode 175 Reaction


Not everyone can bring people to life, not everyone has the Rinnegan, even if they do, they sacrifice themselves. RIP Nagato :(

And also wth, I am a huge wrestling fan lol and for you to bring up Drew McIntyre’s Glasgow kiss outta nowhere lol 😂
Suzy I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on Nagato's Deus ex Machina this episode. While I was just as happy as you to get Kakashi back, looking back at it in retrospect, it IS kind of a huge ass-pull. Kishimoto was getting bullied and receiving death threats, hence the sudden turn around in this episode. While he still crafts a touching moment with Naruto as the village hero, I still think having EVERYONE just come back to life cheapens the emotion, sacrifice, tension, and struggles the characters and viewers went through until this moment and I can't help but think that leaving Kakashi and the other side characters dead would have left more of an impact and made it so Pain's invasion actually had consequences (besides the ruined village).
Like they say, it’s not the end or beginning but the journey that matters, I think the most impact made was throughout the arc, and the ending was just a moral of the story, that people need to understand the pain of loss to attain true peace
I think the point of the arc was to show how much both Naruto and Nagato would growth has characters, not the deaths of the characters, just think about it, Nagato had his whole way of thinking changed by his talk with Naruto, and redeemed himself by fixing his mistake at the cost of his own life, thats a massive sacrifice, admitting you were wrong, and with Naruto learning more about reality and the point of view of others besides his own, i know reviving characters can be cheap, it was really well done here, specially based on who did it and why
Fair points, and I agree to a certain extent. The Pain arc is still easily the best arc in the entire show imo, but looking back on it now as an adult without nostalgia glasses, the shonen trope of talking your opponent into a change of heart/submission just seems odd here and it's clear that Kishi made last minute changes. I know Talk-no-Jutsu is a meme in Naruto, and I do like Nagato's character growth here but to me it just happened too fast. Nagato is a fantastic character, but the show expects me to believe that Nagato, who's lived his whole life with one goal in mind, does a complete 180 because a teenage kid makes nonsensical claims about his own pain and because Jiraiya dedicated his first book to him? Maybe I'm just getting too jaded by shonen anime lol.
Nagato didn't live his whole life with one goal. After his parents were killed by leaf, he still tried to give Jiraiya (a leaf shinobi) a chance. He learned not everyone is same. Jiraiya was able make him see good, make him "grow up". Nagato was good, had good intentions of finding peace in a positive way, but the moment Yahiko had to be killed in that manner, he just gave up on the world, he gave up trying to do things in a positive way. He gave up on his humanity. I think Kishi did a great job writing it in this way, that Naruto was able to remind him of his own self, his own dreams. The connections - Nagato's words, Jiraiya writing that in his book, the main characters name, seeing that Naruto wanted to listen to their story even after his whole life was destroyed (Jiraiya, Kakashi, leaf village), I think that was really good writing.

I don't remember my exact thoughts when I first watched this episode, this arc(long long time ago). I agree with you, I think I felt a bit odd that they brought back Kakashi and everyone but seeing Naruto fall back on to Kakashi's shoulder made me extremely happy and the "odd feeling" vanished immediately. After losing my favorite character Jiraiya and then knowing the truth about Itachi, losing Kakashi was just, just overkill. At the same time I also thought they had to bring back Kakashi, he died too quickly, just one episode for character as big as Kakashi and we didn't even see him fight with mangekyo sharingan, he only used to evade attacks with it, we all know he was smart enough to use it directly on pain.
I think it's just a matter of perspective and opinion. Nagato had devoted his entire being, even sacrificing his body to bringing peace through what he believed was the only way possible. For that to be rendered moot in a single episode makes no sense to me. As I said, I don't DISLIKE the way the arc ended, I just find it very "convenient" and too fairy-tail-esque.
It certainly is but kishi some how justified it much later by actually giving an explanation behind naruto's mysterious power. So it made it look like it wasn't just something that was directly result as to how he is able to get people to under stand his way of thinking, but more so kind of a magic trick that he was blessed with and has the power to change others around him. But obviously this is how one piece differs greatly in terms of writing consistency and execution. I think words like Convenience and Coincidence are terms that are just not part of oda's vocabulary lol. But in any case, the character naruto is just far more enduring, inspirational and a much deeper character I think then luffy is. I would take naruto as the MC over the meat lover air-head luffy any day.
Filler episodes: 176-196, 223-242, 257-260

my recommended fiiller Episodes to react to 176-179, 182, 187, 188, 234, 239,
I think she's doing up to 179 for reactions then she said she'll watch the rest leading to 197 off screen. Idk about the ones n the 200s.
Honestly I wasn't gonna put my list up again but then she said she didn't know if her filler list was right or not so I put up the next couple just in case. :P
It's funny when I originally watched Shippuden last year I dreaded watching all the filler but I found a decent amount that I found interesting or that I liked.
lol. It's even worse having to wait a week for a new episode to air knowing that you still have a ways to go just to get back to the main story. At least after the show finishes you can at least binge the episodes. I started watching Naruto as the Sasuke retrieval ark was airing. lol Now I don't have more than 4 ongoing anime that I'll watch. Other than that until one finishes I'll only watch Anime that are already done. The ones I'm in the middle of are : One Piece, One Punch Man, Rising of the Shield Hero, Seven Deadly Sins. I'll watch the last 3 as they come out but for One Piece I'll wait like 4 or 5 months and then binge the episodes and then repeat the cycle since it's so freaking long. Well...I am in the middle of Boruto but to be honest I've kinda gotten bored with it and haven't watched an episode in like 3 months.

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