Everyone's Struggle to the Death - Naruto Shippuden Episode 67 Reaction


you don't get it, this Jiraiya lookalike wants to kill everyone in the leaf and everyone else in the land of fire. The original plan for his group was to kill the hokage and have one leader in the land of fire which would be the feudal lord because they thought the leaf had too much power. Now he just wants everyone to die, Including the feudal lord so he can control the land of fire
I like this filler arc, oh wait i take that back, i love this filler arc!!! But, it's literally no where near the level of every other main story arc that is yet to come in Naruto Shippuden
The great thing about this show is that there is no right or wrong. As a viewer you should never pick a side, even if its clear to see that you're supposed to hate the villain. In the villain's eyes, they aren't the bad guy....Naruto Shippuden is about to get finger lickin good (hire me KFC)
both Sakura and Yamato were not messing about and just straight up crushed their opponents :D idiots will just keep on hating on Sakura but whatever she can handle herself and her medical skills are great :) now what can Naruto and Sora do...also Asuma ofc :P luckily the damage has only been done to the front of the village so that shouldnt be too much to deal with :)
i think u misspelled Sakura.. it's supposed to be *Useless. but it was just a simple error, dont worry about it, have a good day my friend
Kaizo, 05 Mar 2020 - 11:26pm
I don't think people hate on Sakura because she isn't efficient, people hate on Sakura because she is annoying most of the time.
