Shikamaru’s Genius - Naruto Shippuden Episode 86 Reaction


akn, 29 Mar 2020 - 11:16pm
Manga author's aren't lazy suzy. There's literally 700 chapters in Naruto, and at the end of the day, the real purpose of any anime out there is to promote the respective manga. The studio is not gonna wait til something as popular as naruto, especially at the time it was still ongoing, finishes. The more popular the manga, the more likely it will get an anime during it's run. It's why most anime nowadays air in seasons. Those who cannot wait may end up checking out the manga instead.
I wish this comment bubble was on the top of comments as oppose to the bottom!.....but anyway...great to see Suzy smiling and happy for this episode compared to the last know what would make me smile more....Demon Slayer.....please dont hate me for saying that Suzy!! ok everyone stay healthy and be safe!!!
Would highly recommend skipping this next filler arc. Kishimoto the Mangaka wasn't lazy. It is how it is sometimes. Sometimes the anime catches up with the manga and they have to use filler to "fill" the times lot until the manga gets several chapters further. One episode of an anime is 3 to 4 chapters of a manga.
Sentry, 29 Mar 2020 - 10:40pm
The next filler arc is not that bad. Plus there is Tobi + Deidara I think :D
what you should realize is that we dont hate sakura because she is weak we know that she is powerful we hate sakura because she is annoying she does stupid idiotic things in the futher
Suzy like 40% of shippuden is filler, my favorites are the ones that do world building or character building, like the kakashi anbu filler later on
JiraiYa, 29 Mar 2020 - 10:10pm
Adding Jiraya into this mix will make it an overkill in my opinion. I mean Shikimaru and Kakashi almost defeated them now Yamato, Sai and Naruto getting involved it's already getting unfair fight for both Hidan and Kakazu.
I also feel like Filler arcs give the talented animators more time and less stress to work on lets call it Canon animation. In the anime industry some individuals are specialists on certain animation and meaning that they have to provide all the key-animations on their own. So if they got a head start to work on something hard like a fight scene, they would very much appreciate it. (>x_X)>Not saying that there isn't any great animation in fillers but that the studio sometimes can benefit from working in parallel. Since they always have to spit out something every week.
1 episode of anime takes about 2-3 manga chapters. So to avoid taking breaks.. They do filler arcs. To avoid the anime to catch up to the manga.
You can skip the filler arc if you want its not as good as the sora arc. It's up to you if you want to watch it. And also there is a lot of upcoming filler arcs so be hold.
The last filler arc was great, one of the best imo, but this next one doesn’t really have any interesting stuff in it, I would recommend skipping it, but at the end of the day it’s up to you
Even if the next arc isn't canon, you could say that those are Naruto Shippuden top tier "fanmade" episodes. Also, if you hold into the main story you wouldn't enjoy them, obviously. However, Suzy hasn't watched the whole show yet and those fillers are well written stories (in comparison with my writing :^D), pretty sure she will enjoy them. At the end of the day it's all about entertainment, enjoying the show and appreciating even those "fanmade" espisodes. Besides, you can't deny that at least the beginning and ending of the next arc helps by giving context to the main story.
Kaizo, 29 Mar 2020 - 9:35pm
The Anime caught up to the manga way to quickly after every arc the anime would catch up to months worth of manga and have to go back on filler because it catches up 10 weeks of anime equals about 25 weeks of manga releases. Basically after every filler the manga would blow through the manga that was out and its since one chapter isn't enough for a episode they run into the same problem every time.
Kaizo, 29 Mar 2020 - 9:35pm
The Anime caught up to the manga way to quickly after every arc the anime would catch up to months worth of manga and have to go back on filler because it catches up 10 weeks of anime equals about 25 weeks of manga releases. Basically after every filler the manga would blow through the manga that was out and its since one chapter isn't enough for a episode they run into the same problem every time.
