One Little Step - Sword Art Online 2 Episode 14 Reaction


Our boy Kirito got that plot armor! haha

I cant wait for the Mother Rosario arc tho!
Such a good episode. I think you’ve cleared MOST of the spoilers that will be in the games other than a few characters. But some of the games have an original re-write of the stories and new characters anyway. SAO season 3 has been amazing but the dub is a bit behind. I can’t wait to see if you watch that.
GstnC, 04 Apr 2020 - 7:53pm
I feel like i relive all watching your videos, however the next arc isn't one of my favourites but it is short.
I really want to see your video about Ordinal Scale!
GstnC, 04 Apr 2020 - 7:53pm
I feel like i relive all watching your videos, however the next arc isn't one of my favourites but it is short.
I really want to see your video about Ordinal Scale!
I would recommend watching the Shinkawa attack again but in the sub version. The VA did some great work in his performance.
Yuno, 04 Apr 2020 - 7:41pm
Okay, for what’s next, first it’s the Excalibur Arc, then Mother’s Rosario (which you are not emotionally prepared for), then it the movie Ordinal Scale, then it’s Alicization, then War of Underworld. They’re currently dubbing War of Underworld while anyone who watches the Sub is waiting for part 2 of WoU. Oh, and don’t worry, Sinon is part of the rest of the show, she’s not going anywhere.
For the new season of SAO coming out in April, it's actually Part 4 of Season 3. The VA who does Asuna already recorded the first 3 parts (Around 40 is episodes). For the game, Fatal bullet, you could start it after season 2.
Lexio, 04 Apr 2020 - 10:50pm
No she can't there's still one character there she haven't seen yet or 3 if she downloaded the DLC
Yep freaked me out for a moment too when he injected Kirito. And of course, aside from the intro, they did give a hint during BoB that Kyouji was Death Gun, though it honestly never crossed my mind till after the big reveal. Back in the city, when he stunned Sinon and pulled out his handgun, she noticed it was the exact same type of gun that the robber used. That and her being one of Death Gun’s targets, no way was it all a coincidence
