Instigation - Sword Art Online S4 Episode 15 Reaction


On the Light Novel they explanada how Asuna was over using her powers and got stabbed countless times before that scene where she was getting sick. That cut so much from her character and how badass she is
3 things to tell you
first you missed sinon telling Alice that she loves Kirito and cares about him as well
second You gotta understand that Vassago is a master manipulator that likes to turn people against each other but unlike the other members of laughing coffin he has a joker like obsession with kirito thats why he was excited to dive in again Think of him as the joker to Kirito's batman

and Finally you guessed right Yanai is a spy and the one quinella referred to as "the Other Boy From The Outerworld"
I didn't "miss" Sinon telling Alice she loves Kirito. Sinon's feelings have never been a shock to me so I just don't "react" to them.
interesting you do have a point but in all honesty she loves him platonically just like Alice She cares about him and is close to him Besides Kirito saved her life twice In the novel it is said that the pendant around her neck was made from the electrode that absorbed the poison from the needle that he was attacked with when he went to her apartment to save her
Details that anime doesn´t explain so well but the ligh novel did:
-Gabriel/Vecta/Subtilizer thinks that the destiny told him to use her true form, her GGO account, not the Vecta Account.
-Sheyta always want to slash, but she recognize that now she can do things like love someone else or living a normal life, that´s why she falls in love with Ishkan.
-Remember Suzy, there are from China and Corea, so everyone is talking in Korean and Chinese or Mandarin, the dub only told us what are they saying.
-The reason why Asuna spit blood is because they cut a scene when she used the power of the Stacia account, when the statues bring to life and attack the enemy for a little moment.
-There´s 30.000 new enemies from China and Korea.
I guess but to be honest after she finishes SAO im dipping the original reason I became a member was because of her SAO and Naruto Reactions and since she hasn't looked into the other anime i recommended such as the fate franchise theres no reason to stay at least i know she's gonna love these final 8 episodes
I love PoH so much. He's my favorite character in the entire series. I enjoyed this episode a lot because of him. Can't wait for you to react to his future content as well in SAO.
