Heartless Choice - Sword Art Online: War of Underworld Ep 11 Reaction


Nah these ain't average Americans. We're used to using guns, not swords. Give em guns and hell yeah there's an average American
Its getting interesting I wish she did the SAO reactions daily now that she finished AOT its too bad oh well from now on its getting interesting

I love Iskan hes so honarable like the knight commander
A little details that the anime didin´t explain so well but in the light novel is mentioned:
-Everyone with an AmuSphere can interact with the Underworld because they used the Seed Nexus to create it, but it feels and sees like polygons and a normal game, only who uses the Soul Translator can perceive the world like truly real.
-The real and the underworld time was synchronized since the midnight of the last episode.
-There are three accounts that belongs to a god: Stacia (Asuna), Solus (the goddess of the sun) and Terraria (the goddess of the earth).
-Remember Suzy, this people that come to Underworld are americans so they speak english, and our crew is japanese. In the original series (like the japan dub) the americans are keep talking english while we keep talking japanese.
-There are 10.000 soldiers that log out to Underworld in this first connection.
ST9830, 05 May 2021 - 3:06am
Also, Lisbeth said "they THINK we're dead beats who can't pay taxes." She did not say that they don't pay taxes. That's what the general population and people in positions of power who are not gamers see us as. Lisbeth just gave such a passionate speech and I think it really can connect with gamers.
ST9830, 05 May 2021 - 2:58am
You say it's "cheating a little bit" to convert their accounts, but it's literally life or death for the citizens of the underworld.
I’m surprised she didn’t ask about the figure in purple
its best that she doesnt yet besides theres only one flaw with her reactions which is sometimes she talks over the important details and misses important scenes and dialogue the example would be the post credit scenes
its just constructive criticism thats all
Before you continue to the next "season" of the underworld, you should watch the Sword Art Online movie because it's related to what is to come.
After you done with sao i would like to you react jujutsu kaisen..trust me you wont regret
Man Liz's speech hit me in the feels specially with unlasting playing in the background it made me tear up just like when eugeo died with Reona's' Over The Rainbow ending in the background as kirito said goodbye to his childhood friends eugeo and alice zuberg
Music really brings the emotions of an anime to life
