The Bells - Game of Thrones S8 Episode 5 Reaction
Varys was getting the little girl, that worked in the kitchen, to poison Danaerys. She hadn't eaten in days...That's why Varys said they would try again the next day. It's too bad he didn't get away with it, because she needed to go. She straight up started trying to act like Hitler in these last couple of episodes. I knew from early on in this series, that she was going to go insane and get power hungry. Just the fact, that she told people early on in the series, that they were free to leave, but killed them, if they didn't want to fight with her, pretty much summed it up, seasons ago. You two had a great reaction to this video.
Not sure if you read comments here, but she killed Varys because he was engaged in a plot to have her killed.
Also, Cersei was definitely "kill a bunch of innocent people" evil, if you forgot how season six ended
Loved this reaction!