Mercy - Attack On Titan Episode 24 Reaction


The reason for eren's initial hesitation about fighting annie is actually a very simple one, eren and annie knew each other and trained together for about three years, so it's completely understandable why he would be reluctant to fight someone he knew for so long, also annie felt that same hesitation at some point as well, in episode 17 when she was first shown in her female titan form, she had many chances to kill armin but didn't do so, because, despite the fact she was a titan spy, she formed genuine friendships with eren, armin and everyone she met during those three years and she didn't want to have to kill the people she knew for so long, and only decided to do so when she was outed as the female titan.
DJay, 24 Feb 2021 - 1:18am
The reason she was crying will make sense later on in the series if you don't figure it out we'll help you when the time comes.
akn, 24 Feb 2021 - 1:07am
bruh keep watching, you'll understand why she was crying later. it's not supposed to be a big emotional reveal.
