Ishida Ultimate Power! - Bleach Episode 44 Reaction



Man so many big time moments in the SS arc, and Uryu going one on one with a Captain is one of them. SO many directions this fight could have gone.
Urdu did miss on purpose. He would never miss per usual unless he choose to miss. Let's put some respect on his name lmao
he definitely missed by accident especially because he couldn’t even see him because his banki was attacking him
Hmm.. for someone who is a little testy on names it’s not ‘Urdu’ it’s Uriyu (pronounced as Ooriyu) Ishida(pronounced as E shidha)
Suzy: "Please do not run into another Captain... 😧"

*Tosen instantly appears at the top of the stairs* 😂
Agreed, but to be fair they told them to avoid the Captains entirely. That wasn't really realistic though, obviously. They have already run into Gin, Byakuya, Kenpachi, Shunsui, Ukitake, Mayuri, and Tosen 😂. That's just over half of them, and it's doubtful that some of those Captains would just allow you to run away.

I can only conclude that Urahara and Yoruichi knew that for Ichigo to have any chance at saving Rukia, he needed to get some more fighting experience first and become more attuned to Zangetsu. Then, Yoruichi could teach him Bankai using the special 3-day method. That was probably the grand plan they had behind the scenes.
I wonder if Urahara or Yoruichi sent/lead the gang to the Soul Society not so much to rescue Rukia themselves as to force the Captains and Lieutenants to deal with the issue. Most of them, especially the Lieutenants, seem to really doubt Rukia did anything deserving of the death penalty.
Well no the original plan as we know was for the 5 of them to enter using Kukaku’s cannon ball and stick together. Yoruichi knows the layout so she would have taken them to the underground tunnels, gotten the spare key for the repentance cell, and then all 5 would have grabbed Rukia and fled

However what happened was Ganju ended up joining and they got separated which meant they could no longer coordinate and no one except Yoruichi knew where to go or any key details that would allow them to avoid fighting

A key plot point in the arc is that every plan that’s made ends up going wrong somewhere along the line and gets thrown out. This goes for both sides
