The Orange Spark - Naruto Shippuden Episode 246 Reaction


Archii, 14 Aug 2020 - 4:59pm
Is there any chance by request a lot of people can help me get her to react to Episode 306 when it comes. I know it is filler but, I think it has one of the most adorable moments that shows off the true character of a certain character and would just love to see her reaction to the wholesome episode.
Suzy can you pls pls pls react to attack on titan whenever you finish another anime?? I definitely think you’ll really like it especially after seeing your reaction to death note, the story isn’t exactly the same but just as dark if not more so at this point
Yea for someone that grew up an orphan Naruto reverted into a natural Momma's boy super fast, lol.
ok i'm gonna be really critical of something in this episode already... why does naruto's rasenshuriken disappear with the same visual and sound effect of something like a shadow clone disappearing? if this was just in naruto's head then maybe that's just how he perceives it you could argue but that doesn't really make sense
This is the time when u thin kabout that he was tring to take Kyubis chakra and then he meets his mother. When i watched this at the first time i was just cring
