The Angelic Herald of Death - Naruto Shippuden Episode 252 Reaction


I will answer two questions first I realize your asking your fans for feedback but i think you should do what ever is most confortable for you. If you want my opinion. Yes I would love daily naruto's but only if its not to demanding for you.

For the 2nd question, Your reaching the final arc soon so things are going to get pretty exciting but you may consider skipping some fillers in the final arc and then going back to them because it really slows down the pacing of the story considerbly and if your now noticing this to be a detriment to your viewing experience, it only gets much much worse during the final segments of the story sadly. The very early parts of it arn't to bad but around the mid to end segments are just the worst.
I'm fine with anything that works for you. If you really want to go back to doing daily Naruto reactions maybe it could be like five Naruto reactions per week and something else every weekend. That's just an idea.
RUIN, 28 Aug 2020 - 1:53pm
The real reason things got worse was because they refused to run in seasons and instead insisted on having episodes every week of every year, which meant constant fillers, to avoid catching up. Sans fillers it's pretty good all the way through. also you should read the final chapter of the manga after a certain episode and then watch the last episodes. They are kinda written assuming you know the final chapter, but read it with us watching.
i would love dayli naruto aswell. but like i saw someone else mention. dont burn out suzy :) personaly i would love dayli episodes and more ;) but not at cost of u burning out :)
I would love daily naruto back. Also, some people may think naruto got worse after the pain arc but I disagree. Some of the bad plot points and fights are yet to come
Yes please go back to daily Naruto reactions as your reactions are awesome :) but only AFTER you finish My Hero Academia & Death Note as I wouldn't want you to overload yourself.
Shippuden didn't get worse for me after the Pain arc...IF you ignore the fillers. The really really bad fillers and abruptly having to wait forever for the show to get back on track made Naruto Shippuden lower in value. If you skip the fillers, Shippuden is amazing to the end imo.
yes i agree on most of that. but that was durring the releases of naruto. my problem, my only problem with the fillers was it took an extra or 5 extra weeks for the main story too progress. i loved most of the fillers.. some, i did not. mecha, i dont belive i need too say more XD but since they are all out. i have no problems with the fillers what so ever. i can just binge through them. back then it was locked behinde weekly releases. also i agree. i dont think the wording of getting "worse" after pain arc fits. if u have a scale from 1-10 and pain arc is at peak or close. sure it will not be as good.. but saying it gets worse becourse it goes down too a 9,2 instead of a 9,8... aint right. if ppl think it dropped from a 9 too a 2-4 sure. but i do 100% not agree that it did. :)
and personaly. some filler. theres no doubt when watching them that they are fillers... where others... if u dont know while watching it... u havent read the manga. there is quite a few of the fillers that might aswell have been part of the main story. the quality of the story. how it fits in with the current main story. back stories on some amasing chars that was put in as fillers. im just saying. hateing fillers becourse they are "fillers" doesnt make sense too me, if the story and quality is on tier of the main story. hateing on fillers becourse some of em is utter pointless and stupid is another thing. but some of the cannon episodes. is out done by some of the fillers if u ask me. and that makes those fillers a good add too an already amasing story.
Only do daily Naruto if you can don’t overwork yourself and burn out. Great reaction as always!
Strongly disagree with anyone that thinks the show tanks after the Pain arc. imo the Pain arc IS the best moment in Naruto, but there's still a ton of incredible story moments and action coming. It's like the show peaks with Pain, then wobbles a bit with a lot of spikes and some lows.
Kamui, 28 Aug 2020 - 8:59am
Yeah I agree that some people exaggerate, but I do think that many events after the pain arc could’ve be done a lot better
Its a bit convulated, one piece will probably have a more consistent ending. But it is what is. its still not as bad as people assume. Kishimoto still was able to tie up all loose ends and give us a proper conclusion. It could be alot worse like bleach for example with so many open plot holes and an extremly anti-climatic final battle.
