For My Friend - Naruto Shippuden Episode 261 Reaction


There are a lot of fillers, and even more coming, because by this point the anime was starting to outpace the manga. When it takes 2-3 weeks of manga content to make an episode, but the anime was still weekly, they had to pad the anime out however and whenever they could to give Kishimoto some lead time on the manga.
Magic, 15 Sep 2020 - 12:19am
I am excited too suzy, I honestly know pain arc is one of my favs of all time but it doesnt takes out the emotion and the feelings that will be involved in the war arc. Lets get into it! and thanks for the naruto reactions
Small spoiler shikamaru does eventually drop the what a drag he may say it every so often but less and less
You have to understand the reason why they made these fillers to remind you what happened in OG Naruto is because you are bing watching these episodes while most of us here or at least me it took years for the show to get this far by now I was watching this on weekly basis from the English subbed versions although I believe the manga had already finished at this point I was just watching the anime to see these fights with color and movement especially Naruto vs Sasuke final battle. But yeah people may have needed some sort of reminder because a lot of stuff happened since OG Naruto
"In this world, wherever there is ligth, there are also shadows, as long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers.
The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes war, and hatred is born to protect love."
Hey suzy great content! Small suggestion for the website. could you please add the option to sort website episodes by ascending or descending order. If I miss a few episodes of shipuden its 30 mins of scrolling down trough the episodes to get to the new ones. Sorting by descending first would really help out XD
