The Blue Beast vs Six Paths Madara - Naruto Shippuden Episode 418 Reaction


Guy filler? You mean next episode? If so, that's not filler. Flashbacks don't equal filler.
Officially it's not filler. but Any flashbacks or characters backstory without any of the Main episodes story in that episode is Filler to me.
It does have main episode story in them. It shows how guy learns the eight gates formation and his ninja way which shows his actions in the current day. Believe me I am anti filler but this isnt filler. I
Fay, 13 Dec 2020 - 11:09pm
As I said the last time, from now on this show will mix parts of the main story events inside the fillers and also the oposite.
Episode 417 last part wasn't a filler, but I guess it's lost forever... and it will continue for some time with other episodes...
The 2 people who started the war, are the ones helping the 2 main heroes win the war.
Its so rediculous. Guy opening the 8th gate were their only option. There was nothing else they could have done literally. Its either he try that, or they all die.
RJ, 13 Dec 2020 - 8:38pm
awesome to see Kabuto once again. such a well written interesting villain.
great to see Gai backstory with his father. his father is such a hero. a true hero.
i loved to see your reactions on this episode. specially your reactions to Kabuto,
and also your reactions to Gai and to hear your thoughts on his backstory.
i enjoyed the previous filler arc. always nice to see more of young Obito.
i love the relationship between Rin and Obito.
that was nice to see Rin doing a ceremony to congratulate Obito.
that was awesome to see Obito and Minato fighting together.
these fillers were nice to develop even better Kakashi and Obito relationship.
also the moment with Kakashi and Obito side by side once again,was amazing.
also in the end of the episode Rin taking both of their hands. so symbolyc.
Rin was always there watching both of them, such a awesome friend she was.
i'm always impressed with how many good filler episodes this show have.
teams that created most of those fillers are super talented. they did a great job.
yaak, 13 Dec 2020 - 8:30pm
Only thing I don't like about this back story for guy is making him like Lee. I mean guy can use ninjutsu, his entrance into the show he uses it. Obviously he prefers not to but he is able. I guess I thought that Lee was the first to become a ninja with out those other talents. Don't get me wrong I really do like Mite Dai, he is awesome. I just wish Lee didn't have to share what makes him different with another, even Guy.
