The Sage of the Six Paths - Naruto Shippuden Episode 421 Reaction


Awesome Awesome reaction! Easily one of my favorites I ever seen. And I've seen a lot!!
They really should’ve killed gai. I get they had to introduce light style but as by my him is pointless
RJ, 17 Dec 2020 - 5:43pm
end of this fight between Gai and Madara is my favorite moment on Shippuden.
the dragon attack from Gai is epic. coolest animation i've seen on this show.
awesome too when Naruto appeared in the end and saved Gai.
also awesome to hear your thoughts to the Hagoromo's conversation with Naruto.
with your reactions you truly made this episode really special for me to rewatch.
thank you for making our 2020 a much better year than it should be.
yaak, 17 Dec 2020 - 5:27pm
After this episode is when I usually check out on Naruto lol. Nothing past this point works for me. I will try to hang on and watch your reactions till the end, but no promises.
425 is the peak for me tbh, after that it's downhill then picks back up in 475to peak in 479 to a slow burn the next of the way
Gai Never died. His flame never went out. Had his flame gone out, there would have been no saving him.
Amazing video! Still... I wanna see you react to Boruto. To see what will happen in the future! I can see how much you enjoy it. I'm here since episode 1 of OG and Naruto is my favorite anime. I really hope we get to see your reactions to Boruto to experience the future together!
me: boruto is super bad
shtrumf008: but but the manga is great
me: once a failure.. always a failure
shtrumf008: but but kishimoto said he'll directed
me: you cant change destiny
What makes you lie like that? Do you even realize you're doing it? Are you even real? I think you're a bot, you yanking peoples next gen consoles out of their shopping carts and posting fake comments on here, sowing your chaos and misery on us all. It's evolving. Skynet yall, shits over!
so i get banned 4 times for defending danzo and akatsuki.. and you dont get ban for being toxic. wow. just wow
She's already decided to react to it, just not right away and not with daily uploads. But there will be reactions. Get over it and stop trying to tell people not to watch it. Many of us think Boruto is a great follow up and are excited for when she gets to it. You haters don't have to watch her reactions, but let her watch it and decide for herself if she likes it or not and stop trying to form an opinion for her. Jeez...

Next Episode

Check back soon!
