Robbed of Sleep - Naruto Shippuden Episode 57 Reaction


Way I see it the fillers are worth watching now because of your positive reactions, so I'm glad you went this route.
To your own self be true Suzy. You have to review it in the way that feels right to you. Otherwise instead of being a labor of love, it becomes nothing but a job.
man Suzy is amazing she is gonna give this to us despite all the toxicity, bless her :) the more the better :) its a shame I would have loved to see your reactions to the rest of the first Naruto series which we didnt get to see :( its gonna be so depressing when you will finish with Naruto I dont want that to happen, luckily there is so much Naruto stuff out there :) cant understand why somebody would want to make it shorter thats insane
I'm in the minority Suz, and I'm glad you've had a change of mind and decided to upload these filler arcs.
I personally just love being able to watch Naruto episodes from you as often as possible xD
Suzy lu, thank you thank you THANK YOU!!! I’m so glad you are reacting to this filler arc! You are the ABSOLUTE BEST! Literally no other you tubers I follow react to the filler arcs! Can’t wait to watch more of them!
I know this is gonna be later but there will be an around 20 episode filler (i think the filler after this one) and yeah it's damn long but pretty please react to that too.
Thank you so much for reacting to this arc! I hope you continue to react to what you want to, the way you want to, when you want to! :D
Luna, 21 Feb 2020 - 12:54am

I'm so glad you decided to react to this filler arc, thank you!! I love watching Naruto with you!!!
I am perfectly cool with watching the fillers. I like most of them anyways but I am curious. Do you need to have the show transparent still since you are on your own site?
Smile, 21 Feb 2020 - 12:36am
I'm so happy that u post reactions to filler episodes too. Keep it up i love your content <3
