Loneliness - Naruto Shippuden Episode 58 Reaction


you need to stop judging characters so easily, because this show has it's way of throwing it right back in the audience's face
bobbygoochie, 22 Feb 2020 - 7:51pm
relax that wasnt a negative comment, it was just a comment about how the show does things lol.
Lmao Sai doesn't need to give nicknames to everyone it's not like his gimmick or something
This arc is great but imo one other filler arc in shippuden, which is like 23 episodes long, is the best arc in this goddamn show. The arc i'm talking about has your faviourite amphibians in it!!!!! its from ep 89-112, So please be sure to watch that
bobbygoochie, 22 Feb 2020 - 8:11pm
stoppp that one is even worse than this one lmaoo
That arc is one of the best in series imho. Even if you search best fillers in NS you will see this arc in top.
And she will react what she wants so you can not really control her with your will.
bobbygoochie, 22 Feb 2020 - 10:55pm
im not controlling her but it's like shes been fighting a battle with 90% of her audience ever since the first time filler came up in the series. it's always the same. everyone warns her in advance and shes like i'll watch it on my own time. everyone is fine with that. then she starts reacting to it anyway and it takes hundreds upon hundreds of comments for her to realize the majority of her audience is disappointed. then she stops reacting to the filler arc early and skips to canon stuff. then she does the same thing again every single time a filler arc comes up. it's exhausting. i dont have anything against the small percentage of you who want to see her react to fillers, but the vast majority of us want to see her react to the ACTUAL STORY and are allowed to express our disappointment when she pretends to listen to us then kind of makes fun of us and delays the canon arcs in favor of filler any way.
