Rebirth - Death Note Episode 1 Reaction



Right before the guy got hit by the truck, it flashed a quick subtitle saying "Accidental Death" below his name just incase you're curious :)
N0, 02 Aug 2020 - 12:23am
"This world is rotting and those who are making it rot deserve to die"

VERY topical
I HIGHLY recommend you pay attention to every little detail, Suzy. This show is about geniuses, after all. Missing at least one information will lead to confusion.
looking forward to this series. this shows how power corrupts and people will do despicable thinks if they think they're the good guys and believe they're right by definition.
Suzy if you rewatch at like 8 mins and 19 seconds into the reaction pay attention to just below the book, There are yellow subtitles of what he wrote inside the book. The guy that got hit by the bus he wrote Accidental Death.
unfortunately not. There's only so much of the anime you can show and if I paused to talk I would end up showing too much of the show.
"I did it because I was bored." He sounds like The Joker from Batman and even looks like him a little bit.
