Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls – Part 2 - Naruto Shippuden Episode 128 Reaction


Hossam, 11 May 2020 - 10:47pm
Don't read the comments please please or you should have a someone to choose what the comments don't have a spoilers things and gives to you to read it i hope to see all next episodes with pure and natural reaction first time we need to share with you the feelings that we felt and see the surprise face when you watch Thanks for all reactions ^_^
Bruno, 11 May 2020 - 10:14pm
To be fair, though, the manga outright gives away at Jiraiya and Tsunade's talk that Minato was the Fourth and Naruto's father. I still don't know why the anime chose to omit that info.

But yea, for those who care, spoilers can be pretty bad. I stopped caring after receiving one when I was about to watch Death Note, so eh.
That's the manga and this is the anime. There's no "to be fair" since the people who spoiled it watched the scene with Suzy and knew what was and wasn't said. No excuses for that crap.
jiraya is literally talking about minato then they start talking about his mother kushina being more like him like why would they compare his mother from a non related relative back to back like that then at the end they say his father once again to finish the conversation.
bobbygoochie, 11 May 2020 - 10:04pm
Nah that wasn't the scene where you were supposed to figure that out, still wrong about that :) great scene nonetheless though, i also got emotional at that
No, she isn't wrong, This flashback moment was the official reveal in the anime at least. It's hinted at earlier, but never stated.
Maybe you figured it out sooner, but not everyone has the same thought process. There were hint's and clues in the episode but that doesn't mean every single person picks up on them. She isn't wrong, only wrong one here is you.
bobbygoochie, 11 May 2020 - 9:55pm
alright someone's gotta say it, her hair is blue not grey haha
Ryze, 11 May 2020 - 9:50pm
Everyone remind her to not watch the next opening because of spoilers
I hope I am not too late to inform you that if you own an Xbox One you can buy all three games of Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm in this Trilogy set for $19.99 sale and ends today have 13 hours left or maybe its 12 hours since it is almost 2 PM, be aware though that the 4th ultimate Ninja game is not part of this game set. Considering the 4th game to me was poor quality to me and IGN agreed I'd say not a bad deal. If you still like to buy all the games then there is Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy on PS4 and Xbox with the 4th game included and I believe the current price is $69.99
I see what are you trying to do, but she can't do that because she will get spoilers from pictures and trailers and it will ruin her reactions, even if its a good deal. Best decision is to wait until she's done with Shippuden and then we can tell her to play the Storm franchise (even if it takes a lot of time until then).
Ryze, 11 May 2020 - 9:49pm
Suzy don't watch the next opening starting next episode 129, it contains many spoilers of what's going to happen next.
this really was beautiful :) Jiraiya said he came up with the name while eating Ramen, Naruto is actually that white little thing with the pink swirl in it in Ramen, its a fish :D and Naruto loves Ramen how poetic :D
Naruto actually means "Spiral" in Japanese, and those things in ramen are called fish cakes and they have spirals on them! That's the joke I suppose.
I was incorrect, here's a correction. The white fish things are indeed called Naruto. There is a group of Whirlpools in Japan called the Naruto whirlpools and the fish things seemed to be named after them (that's why they add the spiral to represent the whirlpool). Uzumaki (not Naruto) translates to swirl so it also fits into that theme.