Truth - Naruto Shippuden Episode 141 Reaction


itachi's backstory is tragic

but wait till you know kakashi's full past
you'll be crushed
The ends don't justify the means, but that goes both ways. Itachi butchered a clan, and I wouldn't forgive him for that, even though it was for the sake of peace
Dmitry, 25 May 2020 - 9:38pm
I don't know, Suzy, if you heard : after all it was Itachi's choice, he wasn't been manipulated. In this serie Madara told that other vilages would use this situation to attack the Hidden Leaf (already weak village) - Itachi hated war, so he sactifised his clan in order to save the village.
*I don't deny Hidden Leaf village ledership's bad choice
RIP Itachi one of the best and respectable characters in Shippuden, but there is more where that came from which they will show later on, also If you don't hate Danzo yet, well I am sure that you will when you'll see what is he capable of...and since I've seen Shippuden am just gonna say that I would've told Sasuke if I was Itachi ;-)
Suzy! You missed Sasukes eyes when he said he was going to destroy the leaf village! its kinda hard to see in the light, but he has awakened his own Mangekyo Sharingan! And it looks soooo cooool.
Tobi23, 25 May 2020 - 9:23pm
Stupid little brother...
Itachi all done to protect Konoha and you.... Want to destroy it 😅🤣
This plan was basically all danzos doing, the third opposed it, the other 2 elders im not sure/forgot about, but its definitely all danzo.

You will get itachis side of the story, but almost at the end of the show, which is such a shame to wait that long to really understand what he went through and how he felt about it. Specially how he felt about killing his mother and father, imagine the pain.

There is a way to watch it without spoilers of what is going on in the future, BUT your mods will have to edit the episodes to remove spoilers of the future and only include itachis story. Just remove the beginning and end of the story, and you will be able to watch it with no spoilers, just itachis side of the story.

Finally, this is why itachi is A LOT of peoples favorite character, specially after watching his side of the story.
The part where madara said that itachi was ravaged by illness painfully aware of his death and had to take medicine to live longer just for sasuke break my heart 💔😢 rip Itachi-kun ❤️
I can totally understand Sasuke's way of thinking. I mean even the children were killed in the massacre, that's messed up. Danzo and the 2 elders are corrupt to the very core.
Bruno, 25 May 2020 - 9:18pm
It's somewhat hard to discuss the Uchiha Massacre without giving spoilers, but you must take note of one thing: Itachi did what he did for the village, and wanted Sasuke to be a hero of the village as well. His plan was, more or less, shoulder responsibility for the massacre, tell Sasuke about Madara's participation on that, die by Sasuke's hand so his Mangekyou Sharingan could be awakened, and then Sasuke would kill Madara and return to the village as a hero. You must also realize that Sasuke is going to do the exact opposite of that (regardless if justified or not, that's not the matter right now).

Not wanting to rush things, but the sooner you manage to create a Discord server, the better. This way people can interact more with you, interact with themselves in spoiler rooms so you won't get spoiled about anything and episodes can be discussed right away.
I'm 100% on sasuke way of thinking right here and glad you're not opposed to sasuke feelings... 99% of the people on here are going to try and tell you why you must hate sasuke because they think that makes them cool on the internet... I hope you dont allow them to influence you and change your statements about you can see why sasuke would try and burn it all down.
PIJUSH, 25 May 2020 - 9:05pm
You totally missed Sasukes Mangekio Sharingun that showed in the last seen
PIJUSH, 25 May 2020 - 9:03pm
We all live inside our own fantasys. Someones reality could be anothers illusion. _ Itachi.
sethgibson, 25 May 2020 - 8:56pm
Suzy the village didn't make Itachi do what he did. It was only the elders. Like Donzo and the other two elders. You're hating the wrong people. The people loving in the village did absolutely nothing. But are you now not considering Sauske as a criminal?
Suzy please don't let people form your opinions for you think what you want to think and believe what you want to believe... don't let people on here tell you why you should or shouldn't like the leaf or certain people of the leaf... like you said let the writers of this show and how you view life decide who you agree and disagree with... not people in the comment section trying to convince you their way of thinking is the only correct way.
When Itachi fought Sasuke he was:
-Letting Sasuke win
-Trying to remove orochimaru from sasuke
-Teaching Sasuke how a mangekio Sharingan works
all at the same time
