Explosion! Sage Mode - Naruto Shippuden Episode 163 Reaction


lol Suzy, you are so vengeful by the death of your loved characters.

Imagine what Pain had to suffer (in his real life in the show) to become this much vengeful. He's acting on the drive that you are feeling as well. You know the same pain, eh. :)
This is the second time something like this happened. Orochimaru killed his sensei ( Third Hokage )and he had to take down his two sensei(First and Second Hokages).
I hope Suzy actually comes to understand what this arc and show is about. Tunnel vision is never good and it could ruin what is possibly one of the best arcs in anime history.
Suzy did forget who killed the Third hokage. It was his own student Orochimaru. And who killed Orochimaru but his student Sasuke Uchiha.
She-Pu-Den is how it’s said, it means Hurricane.
Also Naruto’s name means Maelstrom.
They are both storm names, this is also where the Naruto Storm games get their names as well.
Suzy you need to stop taunting Pain it has ended bad every time, haven’t you learned? XD
Greatest episode, imo.

Katsuyu is so useful because of the sacrifices of others. All the research teams, Shizune's work, and Kakashi's fight gave her all the info Naruto needs. They sacrifices were not in vain!
Crypt, 15 Jun 2020 - 6:31pm
Props to that ANBU with the bird mask jumping out there with Tsunade, he wasn't about to let her face Pain alone xD
in my opinion, the purpose of that scene with naruto asking if kakashi is on a mission, isnt to show us that he is naive, but to prove us how mature he is now. He took it like a man, "is he away? no? allright, we gotta do what we gotta do". He didnt rage, he didnt let his emotions take control of him, as we are used to.
