Explosion! Sage Mode - Naruto Shippuden Episode 163 Reaction


OMG I know right? XD First she's like "You're such a cocky bitch" and Pain just destroys the entire village with one blow and then she's like "Naruto is gonna kick your ass" like seriously? Doesn't she get that this is like, the most powerful person we've seen in battle so far? lol
Actually Naruto was not being naive when he asked if Kakashi was out on a mission. Naruto suspected Kakashi was killed. That is why he asked to confirm his suspicion and once Tsunade didn't answer he knew his suspicion was right.
Kyktr, 15 Jun 2020 - 1:27am
Suzy... Please react to episodes 179 and 191.... I know they are fillers but are worth it........ Please.....
179 has a very important information which should have been in regular (non-filler episodes) and 191 is great (related to Kakashi's past)..... So please react to them......
It seems u don’t understand pain ur blind sided by ur emotion from jiriya and kakashi and Suzy how does Naruto asking tsunade kakashi was gone naive he sensed all the chakra in the village with sage mode but couldn’t find kakashi he didn’t want to believe that he was dead
arta, 16 Jun 2020 - 11:12am
she did not even understand why Pain destroyed the village. At this point I am afraid this arc is just going to an ordinary one for her, although I have hopes for the remaining episodes to explain at least something to her
I saw Naruto’s question a bit differently. To me he wasn’t being naive but hopeful when he asked it. He was pretty sure Kakashi had been killed but maybe the reason he couldn’t sense him was because he was away.
MooseKnuckle, 15 Jun 2020 - 1:07am
Yes it's pronounced Shippuden the way the voice actor pronounced it.
To add to this, the correct romanisation of the anime is; Naruto Shippuuden, where the long sound has been shorten with an accent. Other media advertise it as "Naruto Shippūden", and the "ū" often got drop down to just "u".
RED, 15 Jun 2020 - 1:05am
having to watch this ark one episode a day is killing me haha
