Planetary Devastation - Naruto Shippuden Episode 167 Reaction


What are you even talking about? So you're saying that I can't talk about the music while talking about the animation? Who decided that?

What's absurd, is that it seems to me that you think someone talking about music whilst talking about animation somehow devalues what they say about the animation. I'm not a nerd who goes into explicit detail about every aspect of an anime production. I think the music enhanced the feel of the fight and the animation that went with it , nothing absurd about it.
It gets old having to explain the same shit over and over. I don't like making these long ass replies but it's whatever. I don't mind being corrected if I say something wrong because it helps increase my knowledge of things I don't fully know about, but getting aggressive or passive aggressive is only going to result in a similar response from me.
I don't think people understand the difference between animation and art style. The animation is absolutely amazing. You may not like the art style but that has nothing to do with the animation.
Yes I confused art with animation but even so people can still give criticism on things they don't like or fully understand. People forget that others are entitled to their opinion, they think that if you don't agree with them then you're wrong or stupid etc.
Bruno, 20 Jun 2020 - 7:20pm
People like to say it's art style, not animation. But the animation was incredibly bad there as well.

Pain's "Road Runner" effect is a prime example of bad animation. The perfectly square debris implying lazy drawings, and his exaggerated mouth movements on "My pain is greater than yours!" are bad animation, not art style (which sucks as well, by the way). It's even more legendary than DBS episode 5 animation (which needed to be corrected for home releases).

it's like Naruto meets Looney Tunes.
I mean people like to say that because it's true. You criticize the art style in that example, not the animation.

Animation is simply the means of animating a still picture through the use of physics. If you think it looks "goofy" (comparing it to looney tunes), you have a problem with the art style, not the animation itself. Also, what? This is not even comparable to looney tunes animation, the FPS differences alone simply do not allow for that.
It was not a problem of animation. Animation was great. It was done in order to giperbolize and make everything about the fight more epic. Literally nothing was wrong with animation.
I hated it and still do, I remember when this happened in the Manga and how freaking cool Naruto looked and how much I was looking forward to it happening in the Anime, and we got this, not only do I think it looks terrible they also just packed on a bunch of stuff the didn't happen to fill time.

I've watched it at most 2 or 3 times over the years, whenever I re-watch Naruto or see a reaction to it I usually just skip it entirely.
This episode was animated in the esrly 2000s relax the animation back then was completely different from todays and anime wasnt as big as todays. I can tell you're new in the anime community. If naruto was started to get animated in maybe 2010 then i would somewhat agree with u.... But there isnt 50/50 cuz the budget back then wasnt as big
