Naruto’s Plea - Naruto Shippuden Episode 200 Reaction


BORUTO IS GOOD. However if you decide to do One piece, I think you should watch multiple episodes a day. Since theirs 900+ episodes, if you watch one episode a day, it'll probably take like 4 years to get caught up
Bleach is my suggestion for after Naruto. Came out around the same time. Really solid anime. Manga is a bit wack but anime is good.
Bass88, 02 Jul 2020 - 9:38pm
Boruto is the least compelling story i have ever read in my life honestly the new main cast isn't interesting,the villains have no motivations or goals, anytime anything good ever happens is because of the old generation and suzy is probably gonna watch the dub so she wont even have that many episodes to watch along with the fact borutos dub voice is disgusting
Ventus, 03 Jul 2020 - 4:09am
Oh yeah? Have you even read Boruto manga? I disagree with all you say . The anime is now following the manga story and the anime it will become even greater. Sorry to have disagree with you. I don't give a shit
lol no. Most genin in Boruto are ripping off their parents, the main character is an unlikeable cheating piece of shit with plot armor coming out of his butthole and the show continues to disrespect our great Naruto characters.
I know this is a huge stretch, but i know you would love Fairy Tail if you gave it a watch. It full of fun, emotions, and adventures.
yeah she should do fairy tail. even inuyasha would be fun but idk if she’s gonna finish it, both have really nice soundtracks
dyucor, 02 Jul 2020 - 3:31am
One Piece will definitely keep you occupied. With over 900 episodes and counting and a low percentage of filler from what i can tell.
Honestly One Piece is a bad idea since it's not finished yet. It's been going on for 20 years and it's still got another 10 to 15 years left to go of regular airing. It's pretty ridiculous how long it it. 930 episodes just so far. If you watch it I'd really suggest watching privately.
One Piece is a great series and most importantly for Suzy it would drive a ton of viewers to her site. It is definitely long but worth the watch and in if she watched it privately she would make no money off of something that could help her make quite a bit.
The only people that think watching Once Piece is a bad idea is people that haven't watched it, lol. Although i guess if you don't enjoy One Piece you bailed way to early to have a true grasp on how good it is, lol.
