My Friend - Naruto Shippuden Episode 71 Reaction


RJ, 09 Mar 2020 - 9:15pm
im glad that you enjoyed this filler arc this much. and i'm even most glad that you shared your reaction with us. i wish you watch more filler arcs with us. including the first season filler arcs. that was really fun. really nice to know Sora that's a great new character and nice to see some of Asuma bacstory. he's really a great character.
Suzy, please don't be deterred by filler-haters and do what you want to do ok? Unlike original Naruto, the fillers in Shippuden are actually very good (and actually make a point to contribute or better elaborate missing lore to the main plot) until much much later on than where you are now. Actually, I'd personally recommend that you DO react to the filler that comes after this next main story arc; it is very cool and relevant, has tons of character development for the main squads and I think you'll like the new characters too. Either way, stay awesome and true to yourself! Much love <3
bobbygoochie, 09 Mar 2020 - 8:29pm
for what it's worth suzy, as someone who complained and moaned about you reacting to the filler (we can agree to disagree on that), im glad you found enjoyment in watching it it
Suzy pls dont take too seriously filler eposides, regular characters can't die because this arc nevers happened and they kind of forget everything at the end.
Do you like the now not so new ending song? It's one of the best ones. Also, PLEASE DON'T PICK UP THE NEXT FILLER ARC!!! The only filler that's worth it starts at like episode 345.
JiraiYa, 09 Mar 2020 - 7:26pm
Love the reaction as usual... can't wait for next episode.
Tariq, 09 Mar 2020 - 5:21pm
the fact you thought that Assuma died means that you still don't understand what filler is
Main characters cant be killed off in filler arcs. Theres fillers aren't in the manga. Think fo filler arcs like fan made episodes with limitations and plot armor for all main characters It's absolutely useless to watch them IF you just care about then MAIN storyline (stoy that follows the manga) But i understand what you
Fillers will never change the status quo of the show. So don’t expect any deaths or changes. Fillers were made so the manga could get ahead
Fillers will never change the status quo of the show. So don’t expect any deaths or changes. Fillers were made so the manga could get ahead
