Forest House - Sword Art Online Season 2 Episode 18


The first episode of Alicization confused the hell out of me though. At first I wasn't sure I was watching the right anime. lol
SAO ir soo bad, the more you saw animes, and if you have taste in general, you understand why.
thats your opinion but alot of other people know its not bad but its not a masterpiece its enjoyable and quite good in my opinion.
Everyone has had different experiences and as a result different things speak to them personally. Simply because SAO was not to your liking does not make it bad, just bad for you. If it was bad for you it doesn’t mean others cant enjoy it. If you see someone enjoying something you don’t it’s not an opportunity for you to convince them they are wrong. Many people see anime as a “bad” medium and have no interest in it, but we know that to us it can be enjoyable. Sounds like you gave SAO a chance by watching it, which is terrific. That’s the way it should be for us all, we should try things and be allowed to try them so we can determine if they are something we want to be a part of our lives.
yes. maybe not bad in way it is, but bad in lost potential. Sometimes it feel like mmm not bad, or even good, but after that, you got like 8 weeks of total boring, most problem is its don't give emotions, you don't trust to what is happening. also, last season was almost ok, but the problem side story isn't good.

Also if anime isn't even in top 500 animes, and only half of 1st season and half of 3rd is good, it's hard to ask Suzy to go for it. We got a limit in episode we can have and also that's made to take only like the BEST to react. That is why i say you need like more to compare. There are tons of better romance, action, drama, story, gaming, and life animes.
Pain, 02 Jul 2020 - 10:38pm
Maybe so, still don't mean SAO his a bad anime. It even has his own movie and also has a VideosGame that other good animes don't have. Me personally I like the story for someone who loves anime and gaming, it demostrated that has potencial.
Hiruko, 04 Jul 2020 - 3:11pm
Why do you waste your time posting trashy comments like this? Just like any other anime, movie, song, etc, people have different opinions and tastes, it just became a trend to hate on SAO, ever since i saw The Anime Man hating on SAO when he did a review years back saying he loved the anime, gave a really high note and recommended to watch and now from no where he says its s*it, i saw that people just jumped on the hate train with no reason for it, its just 'cool' to say SAO is shit.
Finally SAO after so long!
Suzy pls keep the SAO reactions coming and let there not be so much of a break between two episode reactions.
One more thing Suzy, dont forget to watch the movie SAO: Ordinal Scale after season 2 and before season 3.
