First Battle - Attack On Titan Episode 5 Reaction


"i feel physically sick."

yeah I felt that way after watching the first time, too
ahh Episode 5, I remember watching this episode and then heading on to school mentally shocked.
I found it so funny seeing the end of episode 4 where you were hyped af and then next episode thumbnail you are crying hahahaha aaaaaaaa
Martin, 31 Jan 2021 - 8:42pm
When will the last reactions to Naruto come? Currently, it looks like you're intentionally delaying this so that people don't cancel their subscription....
Exius, 30 Jan 2021 - 6:54am
Hello darkness my old friend. You've come to piss me off again.
Attack on Titan, it's a little known fact that there's next to 0 plot armor.
Suzy: I think I'm physically sick.
It's just the appetizer.
But seriously I remember when I saw the first episode, I couldn't believe it. I had to call someone to make sure i watched it right.
bruh...smh suzy...when pixis said that line about sloth and tranquility to the royal, he was basically roasting him for being a fat coward.
Btw Mikasa was out of line. Eren isn't a child. He's a man and a solder. You don't understand why he wouldn't take kindly to her telling him to come find her so she can protect him? Like he's some helpless baby bird she needs to shelter...
Abe, 29 Jan 2021 - 3:14am
Damn I forgot how sick this anime was
Wow, suzy is gonna be in for a joyride, Welcome to Attack on Titan. love the reaction.
Im finally back again.. just made a new account.. Lost my password for my first account.
Tried to reset it, but never got a e-mail to reset it (tried it many times).. So just made a new account.
Yeah its because the (forget your password) thing doesn't hasn't worked the entire time she has had this site running.
xsator, 30 Jan 2021 - 5:26am
I have used the "forgot your password" multiple times. Worked every time for me.
RUIN, 29 Jan 2021 - 12:38am
Imagine being with us noobs who watched in real time and had to realize: "Oh I have to wait a week.
