Enter the Five Kage! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 199 Reaction


Dave, 01 Jul 2020 - 5:16pm
Danzo is a realistic character in a non realistic world. He is the CIA of the Leaf Village. But Naruto, being a shonen anime with such a manichaean philosohy paints him in an excessively bad light. Kishimito didn't handle the character well in some aspects.
Dave, 01 Jul 2020 - 5:11pm
The fact that you hate him so much is a proof that he is not garbage
The thing that I like about Naruto is, he lets people tell him what's a wise move and what's an unwise move because he knows he's not the smartest person around. But no matter what, he never lets anyone else tell him what's right and what's wrong. He always did what he believes is right regardless of what anyone says. And I know some people think he looked pathetic and weak in the previous episode, that he shouldn't just let himself get hit like that but, he stopped caring about looking weak and pathetic a long time ago.
Jere, 01 Jul 2020 - 5:37am
What you are in your thirties? You don't look like it....maybe in early twenties maybe
I remember finding out her age on an instagram post, surprised me too. She is exactly 30 if I'm not mistaken. I would have guessed she was 25-26.
I'm not sure why but literally every character has pronounced it Dawn-zo so I've always gone with it. Also no, this is where ya see his sharingan first 👌 your on target
Abe, 01 Jul 2020 - 1:50am
Nice reaction! I actually forgot a lot of details after Pain arch...
Unrealistic. Thank you Suzy!! And plus, "We Need to Talk Right Now" isn't the way you start when you approach the Raikage without permission.
hugoA, 01 Jul 2020 - 1:41am
Danzo wanted to be cool like kakashi so he got sharingan lol. He will never be as cool as kakashi
After Naruto let Karui bash his face in Idk what he thinks he's going to get done with the Raikage. He still has a lot of naivete he needs to work on and as expected he made the hidden Leaf look like pushovers accepting that pointless beat down.
