The Odd Beast vs. The Monster! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 250 Reaction


Man. naruto is perhaps the strongest in the world right now with that power, only he needs more of a handle 😂. other than that, might guy might be strongest!!
Your more then half way suzy. There is 720 episodes in total. You have watched 450 episodes so far.
Also since you like the dark vs light stuff so much I highly recommend something that’s not an anime that would be Star Wars The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels
Yes now Naruto can sense hatred so should be easy finding Sasuke since he’s like a walking nuclear explosion of hatred
Suzy becomes prettier and prettier, or maybe i am become lonelier,idk, maybe she is a good girl and beautiful in and out... ❤❤
AJL, 23 Aug 2020 - 6:08pm
I believe Kisame's line about knowing 2 other taijutsu users as strong as Guy was mistranslated. He is referring to the past 2 times he has fought Guy or at least that's what he says in the manga.
Nope, u r wrong..
Why would Kisame said, it is rare to see taijutsu this skill, although i see 2 other taijutsu user, the old man taijutsu who is the only one who can make dragon typhoon and Guy's dad...Kisame knows them both.
You have to be trolling. Kisame has never met Guy's dad, and the other guy you mentioned is a filler character lmao.
In all honsetly I think we as fans were far less critizing of what anime we watched when we were kids growing up because it was a new experience to us and pretty much anything that is anime of any sort entertained it. I remember when i first watched Dragon ball Z and I was blown away by how different it was to actual american cartoons that we were watching at the time. I think people now are just to fussy and to spoiled and far to critical about things. Just open your mind a bit, relax and you will be suprising how some stuff can still be enjoyable even if it doesn't have sophisticated level of writing or story telling.

Inuyasha was one of my favorite classics growing up and still is today, its amazing cast of characters, beatiful visuals and music and an oustanding dub with one of my most favorite villians to grace the screen. I just love everything about it and quite frankly i think some older conventions of anime, specifically with art and animation or even story telling are lost now in these new generations and there is just something very charming about some of these classics that you don't really get now adays any more.
honestly your mostly speaking from nostalgia there. it's just an objective fact that anime and media in general is better now than it was back in the day. yes we are not making as big of leaps in story telling as we did back then but it gets harder as things get refined more and more. story telling has to evolve because if you keep telling the same story it stops engaging us as we know what will happen already. your looking at it through rose tinted glasses just like you are looking at current media as "spoiled" when it can just as easily and more properly viewed as having higher standards.
Inuyasha is a great show imo, but it is a little slow at times for a reaction series. She started Inuyasha initially because she wanted to rewatch it, but it prob doesn't pull in the viewership of her other reactions so she stopped.
