The Final Valley - Naruto Shippuden Episode 475 Reaction


I mean people act like this upcoming final battle is like the best shonen battle ever. But i have seen countless other shonen series that have fights that are FAR greater both in scale and intensity. In reality it was just to damn short. Honestly speaking kishimoto needed alot more time to finish his manga and Kaguya stories and Obito/madara story lines would be in seperate arcs entirely and maybe Sasuke's supposed revolution could be in an arc of it self.
To alot of us it is the best shonen battle ever not just because the scale or intensity that you referenced. Not all of us picked this show up once it was over, some of us were the ones who waited half a year for mangas to be translated and published in English because it wasn't available on the internet yet. I'm in my thirties now and I started reading in Shonen Jump when i was 15 and it is still by far the most emotional and satisfying journey I have read and have seen adapted into Anime form. I have had Naruto in my life for over half my life. So to me this fight is on a whole other scale compared to any other shonen fight because of the fulfillment and emotions behind it. It is an accumulation of the 15 year journey i had taken with these characters. Were some things rushed? maybe but there are other shows that i believe suffer from the opposite case such as One Piece. To you this battle might not have the emotional impact that it does for many others, but don't put down their views just because you don't agree with it. To me this is the best fight in Shonen because of the emotional attachment to it. This was my childhood and my adult hood. I grew up with this, Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, Inuyasha, Pokemon, Full Metal, Etc. and I will tell you i have never experienced the range of emotions that Naruto has given me with those others. Fights don't need to drag on forever to be good. We don't need a thirteen episode long fight with Frieza lol.
same except I'm 22, I've been watching Naruto since it first aired on toonami, in like 2005 i think, can't remember but it had to be because i was 6 and watching Avatar the last airbender at around the same time. I had known the way Naruto was going to end for like 3 years before the anime because when i was 15 i had already finish the manga i really spent my whole life with these guys so when Kakashi said i love you guys, i shed a little thug tear
By the way you should watch the current opening, that is if the dvd did right and changed it correctly. There're no spoilers left, it will have a big impact.
20 days? Girl 479 Is the last canon, after that it's the movie "the last" wich is the finale, and then after that it's all More or less filler
Sasuke knew he couldn't end the war by himself so he needed to work together with Naruto until he got what he wanted. Remember in that one episode he saved Naruto but said that they were going to be the one to sever the bond? It's because Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto himself. Not to mention everyone was questioning Sasuke's change of heart and we never got the answer until now.
As much as people love to hate sakura, she's actually making the correct play by being obsessed with sasuke. As Kabuto said, in the shinobi world, those without talent are nothing. Think about it, with the exception of Naruto and Might Guy, if you don't possess a Sharingan, are you relevant? Is Kiba or Neji, or Zabuza, or Orochimaru, or freaking anybody anything less than worthless fodder when compared to the overwhelming power of the sharingan? Sasuke is the lone survivor of the Uchiha. Securing him in the shinobi world puts you at the pinnacle of status and power. It's worth giving everything up for, even if he is a piece of shit.
I like how people ignore everything to do with Sakura and Sasuke, i admit it's crazy to still love him after he's tried to kill her what, like twice? but if you go back to part 1 their relationship wasn't all bad considering Sasuke didn't really like anyone, the fact that a lot of times he would speak good about her while also putting Naruto down has got to mean something, and when he told her thank you when he left the village, she had to have meant something at one point, same with Naruto or else he wouldn't had thought about them when he was fighting killer bee and looked at team taka, the girl i have a problem with that likes Sasuke is Ino and maybe Karin
And this is the episode that birthed the the passionate base of sakura haters. Not saying I’m one but this sort of put the nail in the coffin for those that dislike her to ever be swayed.
He never deserved her love from Episode 2 of OG right up to now. Sasuke has never given Sakura the time of day, never did anything to show her he cares. Sakura is a fool and this is not how real love works. Sasuke is 100% right when he said he has no reason to be loved by her. So why is Sakura in love with Sasuke? Doesn't it all come down to looks and external things. Sasuke never been nice to her.
EXACTLY what ive been saying, when you look at the bigger picture, sasuke has never given sakura a reason to "Love " him other than his looks annd external things. sasuke clearly stated that too
