The Final Valley - Naruto Shippuden Episode 475 Reaction


Your forgetting how he cheered her up at some and opened up to her about bos brother during the bell test in OG. What about Sakura finally seeing Sasuke as less than perfect during the forest of death fight with Orochimaru?
Sasusaku fans are ridiculous, the reasonings you guys give for such a toxic relationship smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ He showed this small little token that meaningless but yes let’s use that to justify his “love” for her when he tried to kill her 3 times. This is where Kishimoto made her character trash tbh. She was great up until that moment, which pretty much negated all her character development smh, oh Kishimoto smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ bad call bro
A, and also just to remind you, I think several have already told you but only to reinforce. Do not stop seeing the credits of chapter 478
Sasuke also knows people wont willing follow him but you have to understand that Naruto and Sasuke are the strongest in the world if Sasuke kills him, no one can stop him he'll be like a dictator
and that was obviously genjustu you should have seen the manga I couldn't tell so i really thought he killed her
the signs were all there you just ignored it, he still wanted to kill Naruto even when he protected him from Obito, obviously they don't know cause they can't hear his thoughts but we can and he's not wrong, it's just the way he's going about it, and PLEASE ANYONE THAT READS THIS DON'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HOW THE FIGHTS GOING TO GO
RJ, 08 Jan 2021 - 11:41pm
that was awesome to see your reactions to all this Sasuke situation.
your reaction to Sasuke putting Sakura on the Genjutsu was amazing.
sasuke wants to be the kind of hokage who rules over other ppl with fear. sasuke and naruto are right now the strongest shinobi in the world so if he were to be able to kill naruto then no body would be able to stop him.
u really can't say that u didn't expect a naruto vs sasuke fight at the end right? if the show ended without naruto fighting sasuke then it would be the most anticlimatic ending of any show. no way would they build up sasuke vs naruto and then not go through with it. also this fight with naruto and sasuke is the best fight in the entire series and it's not a opinion.
480-500 are not exactly fillers, they're adaptation of severl light novels that came out after the end of the manga just like the itachi's one. they weren't written by masashi kishimoto the mangaka of naruto but they got his approval and I think he also supervised them so take that as you will, basically they kinda fluff and except for 500 nothing really happenes in them that worth reacting too. after 479 you should react to "the last" movie and then to 500, everything else isn't interesting
It's important to know that he isn't just thinking that it is everyone's fault that itachi had the life he did. He blames the same things Obito does basically. The Kages. Shinobi. The village. Everything is to blame for the state of the world. But his way of fixing it, is that he will destroy it all and rebuild it as he deems best. Very selfish. Very egotistical. He wants to remove kage and the beasts so there won't be any greater power than him. Easy to control everyone after that. Lol
And you thought it was over, suzy you didn't see it coming. Good videos don't miss the next episode
