Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 88 Reaction


Hisoka, 31 Mar 2020 - 11:07pm
Nice reaction :)
And nope, the fourth hokage is way stronger.
But he will surpass him someday.
bobbygoochie, 31 Mar 2020 - 11:27pm
well technically he surpassed him in a way, as the 4th was never able to successfully combine the rasengan with a chakra nature, which is what kakashi was referring to
Katara16, 31 Mar 2020 - 11:38pm
I agree too that he surpassed him in successfully finishing the rasengan, but in combat naruto would lose at that point..
Thats one thing i hated about Naruto when even Kakashi some one who knows the fourth sas Naruto surpased him then they reveal no the fourth is way stronger then naruto.
Is its the one with the lake...? Thats actually not a bad filler. Also, funny how she mentioned... Pain. XD No spoilers.
hey suzy, we know that it is your decision to react or not to the filler, but as followers we can also give our point of view and that is that the following filler saga is a saga of more than 20 chapters without any advance or development in the plot , why stop all this incredible action, character development (such as Shikamaru and Asuma), Naruto's breakthrough for a filler arch that does not contribute anything to the story ?, and more in these boring times of quarantine. It's just a suggestion from a follower who loves your reactions to this great anime.
bobbygoochie, 31 Mar 2020 - 11:22pm
i agree. naruto fans complain about pacing all the time but tbh a lot of the issues are due to filler arcs breaking up the original main plot. it's like if when reading a book at the end of every chapter you had to take a break to read an equally long fanfic on deviantart
She should watch it off screen then do a summary. This filler has some of the best soundtracks.
My man....episode 93 has on of the best interactions between Jiraiya and Naruto (Actually, is has the animation of one of the manga's cover). ''filler arch that does not contribute anything to the story'' my ass, the Three Tails is important, she's gonna watch the first canon episode after the filler and is gonna wonder ''Wait a minute, What?''
bobbygoochie, 31 Mar 2020 - 11:30pm
nope. you can just watch the ending of episode 112 to get exactly as much as the manga shows. you filler fans just keep trying and trying to imply that this arc is necessary, but never have a valid response to the fact that none of it was in the manga. if it's so important, then how come people who read the manga weren't lost? you're making way too much of a stretch. you can say that the filler nicely complements the characters and story, at least there we can have a friendly debate (which im open to!), but if you're saying it's necessary to watch then you're just wrong, no way around that
Well, yeah she can watch the ending of episode 112 (which as you say, it has manga pages of chapters 317 and 318) and episode 93 (volume 42's cover), but if she see the whole episodes she would feel lost because of the fillers characters (Thats why she was happy back when she was watching Naruto, when she saw the whole Land of Tea arc and later Sasuke has a flashback of that arc back in the canon episode).
Efkius, 01 Apr 2020 - 12:00am
Pls, fillers have nothing with main story. You people acting like Kishimoto write them . Telling some lies about three tails is important. So now you know better then author himslef?
The Three Tails is goddamn important, its one of the nine goddamn Tailed Beasts that the goddamn Akatsuki wanted. Yeah, I know that a whole filler is not worth it but...ok, yeah lets skip it but episode 112 still has manga material, and episode 93 has a nice moment that actually was one the manga's volume cover (Yeah...I don't think Kishimoto was angry about that).
Just as a heads up, there's no way to miss that "spoiler" comment considering, if she is reading, she has to scroll past it to see other comments. Probably why she asked for no spoilers at all.
