Children - Attack On Titan S2 Episode 10 Reaction


sometimes people are what they are for very good reasons and what they show on the surface as a front isn't always the truth
The name of their friend that Ymir ate is Marcel. Bertholdt should have mentioned it either in this episode or in the previous one.
At this point in the story, it's safe to assume that Reiner's and Bertholdt's hometown is somewhere outside the walls.
Think suzy forgot the second ep of season 1 of what erens dad did to eren
Remember suzy that ymir doesn't have royal blood but the cult said she did and made up a lie ...and she accepted that cuz she was getting so much she didn't get when she was an orphan. And christa was also living a lie but the reverse would be explained in s3. And i would recommend you to watch the info dump episodes again cuz info dumps in aot have so much info and everything is relevant later on. And yeah, keep making your theories and be the end of s3 you would know almost everything. Yeah, almost😂
Watching the episode a second time, it makes so much more sense now 🙊
DJay, 11 Mar 2021 - 2:24am
Also please let the new series be Black clover!!
DJay, 11 Mar 2021 - 2:22am
Yessss finally My hero season 3!!!
Gilsha, 11 Mar 2021 - 12:58am
Connie's dad was the titan who fought Sasha in the second episode.
Just to clarify that scene u mentioned , based on the episode without spoiling , it shows them injecting something into them and being kicked off the wall as they turn into Titans , you’re right , ymir wasn’t a Titan before that happened then she turned into one , roamed around for “about 60 years outside the wall “ as she stated , and then fell asleep , she woke up and ate reiners friend , and idk if you noticed but she turned back into a human after that . Just some things to think about
Awww Suzy you skipped the part where yimir wakes up in that desert area after she ate reiners friend, just keep that one in mind when you get to future episodes
She was roaming around as a titan for 60 years. Then after she ate bertholdt and Reiners friend she turned back into a human for the first time in 60 years.
muayad, 10 Mar 2021 - 11:03pm
Suzy I would recommend to watch this episode again and concentrate with ymirs backstory and the conversation with berthold. From season 3 onwards the dialogue will have many important information and answers explained for your questions and theories so it will be good to rewatch the episode while editing our go back for certain moments in the episode or even have a paper to write down important stuff as this anime is full with foreshadowing.
One of the main reasons I watch anything with subtitles, even if it is in English, just so I can’t miss anything by not hearing it
RJ, 10 Mar 2021 - 10:59pm
don't worry too much about your wisdom tooth surgery, S.
nothing really bad can happen during a tooth surgery.
is nor like a brain surgery or something like that.
is just a surgery on the teeh area. you'll be more than o.k 6 weeks after that or even earlier.
Masati, 11 Mar 2021 - 12:49am
Pretty sure the fear is not the operation but the fact that's she's going to be knocked out. Pretty sure she has mentioned her fears concerning those things.
RJ, 11 Mar 2021 - 1:09am
@Masati, but nothing really bad can happen while she's sleeping,
cause it's just a tooth surgery. that what i mean and i should had mentioned that.
