Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls – Part 1 - Naruto Shippuden Episode 127 Reaction


I think until the end of this particular set of canon episodes (143) You should keep away from the comments. I doubt a lot of people will be able to control themselves.
Just saw when I posted my comment, it said "Your comment has been queued for review by site administrators and will be published after approval."

Who approved of the spoilers? :S
Suzy I would just avoid the comments on videos as much as possible. A lot of people who watch reactions are complete idiots. Super unfortunate that these things got spoiled ;(

If you could add a feature to this site that allows people to mark their own, or even other peoples comments as spoilers, that would be really good.
They don't adress Tobi, that was the reveal, You were busy making theories, and the reason is you got stuck with the idea that he was dead (Even though you saw how Sasuke went clean through him by the half without making a sratch, clearly that explosion wasnt going to kill him)

Besides, there's a second reveal about him that we really don't want to spoil, the important one
ximlum, 27 May 2020 - 10:13am
Can you just shut the fuck up? Don't be a douchebag. Don't make spoilers.
No, not “clearly.” They DID address Tobi. The Akatsuki members were literally talking about grieving Deidara (Pain) and Tobi (White Zetsu). As far as we, the viewer, was concerned, he was killed off because the Akatsuki acknowledged it on screen.

That sucks they ruined that for you because I wanted to see you’re face once you found out but recommend you not to read any more comments until this arc is over
@nur@g, 11 May 2020 - 4:59am
When I saw those comments I thought of telling you to not read the comments. But then I realized that you will have to read the comments to read that.
Trev, 11 May 2020 - 4:33am
This show will definitely hold the hand and retell a certain senario just look at how many flashbacks they keep going back to
Suzy, be careful with people spoiling. And PLEASE, be careful with the intros and the episodes names. At some point it will be situations when watch those things will reveal a lot of stuff before happens on the show.
i hate tha people have put in so many spoilers but im glad your still enjoying the show. i love seeing others peoples reactions to the show i love
You could let your mods take care of the comments. You shouldn't be approving the comments yourself if there's the possibility of there being spoilers in them
Suzy i hate when people troll and spoil stuff please people learn not to spoil stuff its just bad and rude none the less just let her watch the anime without spoiling stuff that's all I ask and Suzy ask
wiiztec, 11 May 2020 - 3:08am
Who are the Admins who approve posts? shouldn't they be people who know Naruto and know what's a spoiler?
h3nry, 11 May 2020 - 2:54am
You guys need to think before you type, it isn't hard u should try it.
JTFM, 11 May 2020 - 2:41am
Suzy I really think you should take 2 weeks off an bulk watch an full ark first then start uploading.

There are too many die hard fans here that will pick up on anything you say and things will get leaked to you.

The only way to avoid this is one not read comments at all or bulk watch so you are always 1 ark ahead. There are so many good moments where they go on for 2 to 5 episodes and I don't want things to be leaked on the first one.
I am so upset for her oh my freaking god!!! UGH I’m So sorry some of your fan suck and don’t know what a “spoiler” is. Like I’m really pissed for you
Suzy im sorry you got these 2 facts spoiled. I know how you must feel, as I too had who the father of naruto was spoiled, I recommend you to please turn off the comment section, I know you want to interact with us, as I did too with others while watching this series but some people just cant seem to keep quiet about things you havent even gotten to yet. But if you do decide to leave the comment section open, please add an option for us viewers to mark a comment as Spoiler therefore you'll be able to avoid these spoilers much easier!
