Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls – Part 1 - Naruto Shippuden Episode 127 Reaction


bobbygoochie, 11 May 2020 - 1:37am
Weird. I truly don't understand how you could watch that episode and take that away. I also just rewatched both sub and dub and there is a very obvious not -subtle direct implication. They namedrop Minato, and talk about him being Naruto's father.
Even if what they say isn't directly a spoiler, it still ruins the experience because it gives her an idea of what to expect. And even if you give a small hint, that may be enough for someone to figure out the rest. They have to know that unless and until the show officially confirms something. Unless they say it as a fact and not as a theory, it is a spoiler.
One of the most toxic fanbases I've seen. They hate on everything. How can you claim to like an anime, yet you're hating on every other character.

Also fun fact: sakura haters have the same average iq as suzy lu haters. In case you haven't noticed its pretty low
sethgibson, 10 May 2020 - 11:31pm
Suzy I would like to apologize for you being spoiled. I definitely didn't try to spoil you. I understand the points you were making, and the only reason I commented when I did was when we were shown those to points it instantly connected for me the first time I watched Naruto. Thats why I was confused.

So again sorry for that. (You might not actually see this because mine haven't really gone through.)
Abe, 11 May 2020 - 5:19am
We are all friends here. Let's keep having a great time together by re-watching this great show with Suzy. This is my day highlight. Take care all.
Wait is "work hard and you'll get there" the ONLY lesson you have found in Naruto thus far. Not anything related to friendship? Family? Acceptance? Hate? Happines? The list goes on and will grow even more. What makes Naruto one of the best shows ever to me is not the music or the fights or the story, it's the "deep" stuff.
Suzylu, I say this from a theorist’s heart: mute your comments section from here on out in this series. Have mods who know the series send filtered good intentioned comments to you. The continued spoilers could get way more severe from here on out. :(
Crypt, 11 May 2020 - 4:31am
Just mute the comments! What are people saying that NEEDS to be read? It's ONLY spoilers and nothing of value
AJL, 10 May 2020 - 11:22pm
Small dub error. Jiriya and the Sanin fought in the 2nd great ninja war. Kakashi and Minato fought in the 3rd. I suggest you record 5 episodes ahead of when you drop the videos to decrease spoilers. That or just stop reading the comments. People are stupid and don't understand the difference between implied and confirmed.
Honestly I don’t get why people spoil it just takes the fun out of it, also people calling someone stupid for not getting something right away is not cool. Keep up the great work Suzy!
Did people really spoil that the 4th hokage was narutos father? are you guys for real here? That episode only mentions names, nothing about him being the 4th, when I watched the show the first time i found out much later(you know when). What the hell is wrong with you people?! Also about tobi, the show officially reveals that he is "madara" after that episode.
