Banquet Invitation - Naruto Shippuden Episode 134 Reaction


Omg yes. She must! It's great for her to speculate but watching those back to back will have better pacing for the lore!
Mikey, 17 May 2020 - 1:29am
if anyone said it was pathetic for you to feel for jiraiyas death, then they aren't very invested in naruto because even watching it for like the thousandth time, i was still crying over it.
but it is pathetic in terms of techics. jiraiya teleportated several times into frog, catch one guy in a second, and then just die. But in terms of story it was what should happend
But in that situation jiraiya was more keen on learning about pain, cause no one else would come this close. He even acknowledges he might get killed. And one of his arm was cut off, that would also limit the amount of jutsus he could perform.
