Assault on the Leaf Village! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 157 Reaction


sorry i must have misunderstood ur msg. i do find the medical part badass tho. its not flashy like the fighting. but sakura is "badass" in healing. what i mean is she is among the best and makeing an antidote that lady chio couldnt come up with on a drop of a hat. showing how really "strong" she is. sure its not flashy. but too me thats badass. im sorry for the missunder standing of ur msg. i guess the "She is useless!" every where got too me. and threw it back where it wasnt deserved :) sorry
i love the story and all of its chars. and the constant bashing on some of the chars makes me go on the denfense. not be couse either of them is "better" but becourse most of them all have a role too play in this amasing story :) and is why i should prob not read the comments XD
You said my thoughts exactly. I hope these people are happy with themselves poluting every comment section with hate.
No problem dude. I know I can come off aggressive but I get passionate about stuff I like. Sakura's ability to heal is awesome and she makes it badass later on but I can't say for spoiler reasons. Her strength is awesome too but it's not on the lvl of Tsunade, at least not yet . Tsunade's strength is definitely badass imo and so is her Medical Ninjutsu. I don't consider Sakura useless anymore after watching all of Shippuden. Her medical ninjutsu and her strength make her a valuable asset in combat and in situations later down the line.
My only thing with the Sasori fight, was that Sasori and Lady Chiyo were way out of Saukra's class so she had no choice but to be controlled by Lady Chiyo's chakra threads. I just don't like people saying Sakura was badass in that particular fight when Lady Chiyo did the heavy lifting. Especially when they fought the 100 elite red puppets. Sakura was helpful in that fight and she took down some puppets but Lady Chiyo was the MVP, that's all I'm saying.
TeamAkatsuki, 08 Jun 2020 - 9:10am
everyone who says that sakura is useFULL need to examine his/gher brain. Sakuras middle name is useLESS
After the saving and u still didn't appreciate her , the other kunoichi then because they are far worse than useless
Sakura is extremely useful, she's just a poorly written character overall (still not as bad as tenten though). Kishimoto has a bad track record with writing females in Naruto, and very few of them actually have their own compelling struggles they overcome like the better written male characters do. Exceptions would be Tsunade and Hinata imo. Sakura's character arc and motivations throughout the series are very lackluster compared to the other main cast of Naruto. I'm sure one of the reasons people wrongly call her useless when she isn't is because they don't like Sakura as a character, which is understandable.
Shh. I know its a long way to go but please, be quiet. Even if you don't go into details, just mentioning it is bad enough.
The Pain memes were bad enough, stop mentioning stuff, its no less bad than going into details.
Also Suzy the comments are being posted without being checked now, so I'm assuming that means you aren't reading the comments right now (which is a good thing). I just wanted to let you know in the 1% chance this is unintentional so that you don't come across any unfiltered spoilers.
