Surname is Sarutobi! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 161 Reaction


You do realize she likely has the episode paused on her end when she does that? You aren't missing anything more than the usual cuts when this happens.
Konohamaru has come a long way from the little kid he was in OG Naruto, and his relationship with Naruto is amazing he sees Naruto as a rival and a big brother.
Ryze, 13 Jun 2020 - 7:12pm
Looking to the left looking to the right, just like Kakashi Rasenshuriken training Suzy, you'll find out later in the episodes
Please don't stop between episodes 166 and 167 they are some of the best episodes in this arc and it really adds to the experience if you watch them one after the other. It's really hard to say anything without spoiling but please I'm not asking for a double upload just try and watch them without stopping.
I keep refreshing like there's no tomorrow XD
I can't wait for the episode to be available
Shiro, 13 Jun 2020 - 5:26pm
It's not site's fault. I don't think any episode comes non vip exactly after 24 hours it takes more time, I have noticed it 7-8 times now so I guess someone would have to come online and make it available for non-vip. And I guess she is busy or something. Just our bad luck I would say.
Shiro, 13 Jun 2020 - 4:49pm
It's showing to me uploading time was yesterday afternoon 4:20 pm and currently it's exactly 9:20 pm on the other day
Mike, 13 Jun 2020 - 9:47am
I got a suggestion, why not make commenting a VIP only feature? That way you won't get nowhere near the same amount of spoilers in the comments (people are more prone to be careful with their commenting and not act like little children if they have paid for something and risk getting banned with no refund)
