The Burden - Naruto Shippuden Episode 214 Reaction


So... this is what, about the 3rd time that Sasuke tried to kill Sakura?

I see Naruto chasing after Sasuke. I see Sasuke wanting to "crush the hidden leaf village" like he plans. He kills Danzo. He wants to go after the elders, next.

Comprehend it, that "vengeance" is a non-stop train ride, until someone like Naruto steps in the way to end that journey. It's the only possible outcome, or otherwise a person like Sasuke, so bent around revenge, will be killed by his own hatred.

Even Madara spoke of it, when he was telling Naruto the truth about Itachi. It is that Naruto is on the side of love, while Sasuke is on the side of strength or power.

Because of the fact that hatred kills hatred, that the person who truly hates another will eventually see their own death because of that feeling, you have Naruto. Naruto is a man who is attempting to save his friend, not only from destroying others, though from destroying himself. It is because that is what hatred does. It eventually kills the person who is hateful, because hatred is a poison that always self-destructs the possessor of it.
