Akatsuki’s Invasion - Naruto Shippuden Episode 73 Reaction


Myxir, 12 Mar 2020 - 2:19pm
Suzy if u want anime game, play Code Vein. Its Dark Souls anime version. Love u <3
rezo233, 12 Mar 2020 - 11:45am
I wish you didn't react to those fillers to waste a time, and you just did. Otherwise we would be in 100 episode now or so.
But Nevermind.
Saptarsi, 12 Mar 2020 - 11:21am
Don't be sad by the daths of side charecters or you will be devastated in future...
Suzy you're missing key dialogue moments and foreshadowing because you keep talking over it and not paying attention. If there's something you feel you absolutely need to say then do a quick pause but if you keep missing stuff you're going to continue to be confused and your reactions will suffer.
Yup Hidan and Kakuzu are by far the creepiest duo in all of Akatsuki but just wait until their abilities are explained they are so freaking savage
Kimmo, 12 Mar 2020 - 9:38am
How about noone talks anything about future characters until they have been revealed in the anime. So damn much spoilers.
if u wanna say something please please please first pause the video....is it too much to edit!!!????
At the end of the filler arc, Sora said he wanted to see more of the world so he is currently traveling and not at the Fire Temple. Also, thanks for you uploads!
Your right I think out of all the akatsuki these two are the most cruel and worst, also remember sora was not there he went to travel around the world, great reaction!
waser, 12 Mar 2020 - 5:25am
In the end of the filler Arc Sora said he was living the Temple of Fire, he was going to visit others places. if he was there it would be a plothole.
waser, 12 Mar 2020 - 5:05am
Who did tell you that Jinchurikies are bad ass? Their Tailed beast are bad ass, not the hosts
RJN, 12 Mar 2020 - 4:54am
Sora didn't go back to the fire temple, he is on his own journey. He told that to Naruto when he left konoha
RJ, 12 Mar 2020 - 4:40am
Sora was going to a adventure alone on the end of teh Filler Arc.
that's why hes not on the Temple.
but that would be awesome to see him.on this episode.
that Monk fighting against the akatsuki members were so cool. such a nice episode.
Sora said he was going to explore the world, so he wouldn’t be at the fire temple. Love your reactions❤️
dexmos, 12 Mar 2020 - 4:08am
hey suzy, love your reactions, just wanna clear out the akatsuki names, the one with the scythe is 'Hidan' and the masked dude is 'kakuzo' thats all, i'm very excited to see your reactions in the future episodes.
