Akatsuki’s Invasion - Naruto Shippuden Episode 73 Reaction


xBasedNatex, 12 Mar 2020 - 3:23am
Sora does not exist, stop feeding suzy's delusions. The only reason you won't see sora is because he is a filler character and therefore does not exist in the actual story.
Sasori is Lady Chiyo’s grandson not nephew...
Honestly Sasori and Deidara were really strong compared to the new loudmouth Akatsuki member Hidan. His partner Kakuzu on the other hand is the one that you should be wary of.

Imo the Akatsuki members ranked from strongest to weakest that you know of are as followed...

1. O
2. N
3. Itachi
4. Orochimaru
5. Kisame
6. Kakuzu
7. Sasori
8. Deidara
9. K
10. Hidan
11. Zetsu

I included Orochimaru since he was a member at some point and the rest of them you can fill in the blank as you continue watching.
ProxyX, 12 Mar 2020 - 1:50am
Isn't this info a bit early for her, considering they haven't shown what Hidan and Kakuzu are capable of yet. After all their fights were kept off-screen for a reason. Also the first 2 are huge spoilers once she learns who N is.
Wauw. major spoilers. sure u only taken the first letters. but a bit early for that? for one toby is not on the list? putting 2 and too together will make those letters make sence way earliere than the reveal. u did this too 2 of the chars wrote the letter for the revealed person. not the name given for like 50+ episodes. just saying
akn, 12 Mar 2020 - 2:55am
you're apart of the problem if you keep yapping all that extra info. some of you naruto stans needa shut the hell up and stop overreacting to something so mundane. Yall are way too quick to call even the slightest thing a spOiLEr. smfh.
No you’re part of the problem.. this dude has literally put down the first letter of every Akatsuki member.. some of the members haven’t even reveled themselves yet.. and you consigning it, smh y’all some weirdos and It’s spoiler.. Let her watch it for herself and let her experience the show.. damn..
You wanna get banned by mods for spoiling? We never allowed someone like you post this type of comment. Get your account ready.
Even though some are stronger than others I just want Suzy to realize that these are some of the most powerful shinobi at this point in time. They were gathered together for a reason and they make badass villains. They possess bizarre jutsu that give them the edge on the battlefield so it shouldn't be a surprise when they kill people you may like.

It's always fun rooting for the good guys but, remember they're not untouchable.
Delete this comment dude.. it’s spoiler man! What the f*ck is wrong with you!? I can’t stand people always trying ruin someone experience who haven’t got caught up that far ahead.
In my opinion Itachi would have been the strongest if it wasn't for the I,ohh and you forgot Tobi;p
nijil, 11 Mar 2020 - 10:52pm
You should try reading a manga (any popular one) to get a better understanding between manga and anime. It will give a good perspective and appreciation to the culture. Since you are already watching MHA try it. They are basically comic books but with better artwork and storytelling.
Sasori was the grandchild of lady Chiyo. You saw 2 of them in action: Deidara and Sasori. You also saw a bit of Tobi ( the mask dude), and the Zetsu (plant man). And also don't forget about Kisame and Itachi ( the cool ones).
