The Next Step - Naruto Shippuden Episode 76 Reaction


Oh and I forgot Final Fantasy 13 trilogy set, I tried searching for a video playthrough to see if I missed it after you mentioned in Final Fantasy VII Remake you were hoping for turn based game and FF XIII sort of does it except if you stand their thinking of what command to do you're enemies will still attack while you are thinking, but the turn based format is still there.
There are still plenty of games you can play for example I saw that you enjoyed Magi Lou long name in Tales of Berseria, Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2 that someone mailed to you as a gift. There is also Horizon Zero Dawn, but not sure how you felt about the game only saw you play it for two hours then stopped or tried Code Vein demo but have no idea if you like the game enough to play your own walkthrough.
