The Angelic Herald of Death - Naruto Shippuden Episode 252 Reaction


Marx, 09 Sep 2020 - 6:43pm
Please don't skip the kakashi obito origins and the madara and senju clan origins
the akatsuki were originally a good organization that wanted peace before yahiko died so she's keeping the cloak to remember it's origin
Geez, Konan just starts getting screen time again & you say "Take that top off" right away. (2:45) Equality please! Pervy Sage would be so proud though...
Kakashi never got himself out of the water prison jutsu. Zabuza had to use both of his hands to block sasuke/naruto's attack
How can you forget it was thanks to Naruto and Sasuke Kakashi got out of the water prison they forced Zabuza to let go also Neji was the one who found the way out on his own using the byakugan
Mary, 29 Aug 2020 - 9:34pm
Do you plan on returning to RWBY? I know the first season kinda sucks, but gets way better
