The Promise That Was Kept - Naruto Shippuden Episode 387 Reaction


There are at least 1 or 2 Naruto movies you need to watch before the end of the Naruto series.
the next 2-4 episodes are not filler...there detriment to the story (main characters). do not believe what everyone says about fillers. they say they are filler because there is no fighting, 2/3 times they are not fillers. the other 1/3 is but if you have already reacted to 391 or 392 (dont remember which one) then just remember that not all fillers are filler!!....but if you haven't then atleast react to 388 & 389, you will enjoy them.
Josh, 09 Dec 2020 - 1:56am
alright, its the next day, time for the daily upload :)
Also Suzy, reminder, when you lose your beast, you die. Obito lost 9 lol, the fact that he's even talking is remarkable
Lets be honest, Obito wins the anime award for #1 simp. He could’ve had a normal life if he could have just gotten over his lifelong boner for this one derpy chick.
There's more to it than than that, but good troll post
There's a certain "filler" later that you have to react to. It's kinda not even filler, it expands on a certain character, which it's critical

Then there's the Last and Boruto movie
what happen to the kakashi anbu episodes you just stopped uploading them.
Ok but remember Suzy you gotta watch the "The Last: Naruto the Movie" after episode 479, it's Canon and goes along with the last part of Shippuden
Necro, 08 Dec 2020 - 8:21am
I agree with some of the comments that say to react to the Itachi filler
It's not even filler, please don't tell me she's referencing a list that calls it filler
Filler just means it wasnt in the manga. Which it wasnt therefore its filler. Just because it's canon doesnt mean it's not filler.
RUIN, 08 Dec 2020 - 6:26am
Remember how half the ninja army died on the first day of the war? Obito has almost singlehandedly killed 3/4 of the fighting age people in the Naruto universe. there are a lot of kids about to find out they are orphans.
RJ, 08 Dec 2020 - 5:19am
good video
it's being nice to hear your thoughts on these episodes

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