Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls – Part 2 - Naruto Shippuden Episode 128 Reaction


sethgibson, 11 May 2020 - 6:23pm
Suzy I was wondering if I could suggest a random video for you or both you and Stegio (I do not know how to spell his name) could watch and react to Randy writes a Novel, if you already haven't seen it? I think you both would love it, its a comedian. It's over an hour long so you don't have to.
I would love to see "next" episode where Tobi appears. Its awesome scene just after.... well , you know.

But inpatient spoilers in comments...

Yeah, best way to avoid them is not reading comments until arc ends, or ask mods that have watched anime to delete spoil comments.
She has probably already watched it by now, but please don't mention a character who appears in the next episode. Talking about future episodes at all is a spoiler, it's not that hard to understand.
booch, 11 May 2020 - 7:30pm
in the sub (the correct way to watch anime) they said. also it obvious. In my book, not a spoiler
Scramz, 12 May 2020 - 1:54am
Telling someone something when they don't understand it is most definitely a spoiler.
There is no correct way to watch the anime, don't be condescending. I just watched the subbed, and they do not directly name Minato as Naruto's father. It is hinted at if you are paying close attention, but not confirmed. It doesn't matter if it's obvious to you, keep reveals to yourself.
i think alot of people thought it was telling you because of how it was said so that was the moment for so many and they thought she got it and commented on it but yes there are so many who out right do not care and spoiling everything and anything
Build up your own theory and avoid comments untill u reach the filler arc... This arc still has much more info.. Two beautiful arcs seperated by a filler arc..
RJ, 11 May 2020 - 6:10pm
i feel sad that you are in so much pain but i would not suggest you going to the doctor.
hospitals are probably the worst possible place to go during this coronavirus situation.
nice episode. Jiraya's Backstory are some of my favorite episodes on this show.
what a awesome character jiraya is. this episode is definitely one of my favorite.
such a beautiful scene with Jiraya,Kushina and Minato.
it's always awesome to hear your thoughts and your theories. keep it up, S
well many of the backstories are amasing. there is a bunch of em later. i do belive most of em if not all is fillers tho. and seeing how one half loves the fillers and the others are "purists" or what ever too call em. i think they are a great add too some of her "favorite chars" wich lets be honest is most of em XD but yeah some HEAVY back story too several chars is in those "fillers" and tbh i couldnt imagine the manga without em :S well some of em more than others :) yamato and kakashi is most defo also some of my favs
RJ, 11 May 2020 - 9:31pm
definitely the Fillers adds a lot to the story.
and make us and her able to see ours and her favorites characters more and on other adventures and see more of those characters backstory.
Lepequ, 11 May 2020 - 5:56pm
Well, it's first mentioned about naruto's dad after Orochimaru attack when Itachi came and everyone thought it's about Sasuke meanwhile he said "no we're here for 4th hokage's heir" but until this episode it wasn't that direct.
well they say "no the legacy of 4th hokage" 14:45 ish english dubbed verison episode 82 legacy can mean many things. the nine tail inside naruto is a part of the 4ths lagacy no? heir not so many meanings tho. prob why they didnt use that word then :)