The Two Students - Naruto Shippuden Episode 169 Reaction


AJL, 22 Jun 2020 - 10:49pm
I think Suzy will come around after the backstory. It's easier to empathize with Naguto once you see where he's coming from and how he became Pain. But yea it's pretty funny watching prove Pain right, considering how much she hates him lol.
Pains ideology isn't wrong... I would have done worse to the people if they would have harmed my family only if I had that power... Why not people are Assholes ...with power comes responsibility... responsibility to pass the just Judgement. The show isn't very different from real world ideologically.
Nagato is right, Naruto has nothing, he doesnt have a plan, he has no answer, nothing has changed really in the world, Pain does have a plausible idea and is taking action so cant really say he is bad he might just not be convenient for a lot of people :) but really the only one right answer is get rid of humanity, then there is no conflict, no pain, no problems, thats how you solve everything, he is trying to compromise though so props to him :) he said himself though that his way will achieve temporary peace so he knows its not 100% perfect, but potentially he could keep resetting it and keep the world at bay
Magic, 22 Jun 2020 - 6:34pm
Someone has to say it: The sakura joke was clean lmfao I honestly couldnt stop laughing for a hot minute. Also I want naruto boy to kill him or him die for Jiraya death, jiraya was my fav teacher in the whole past naruto series. Im kinda sad
Brand, 22 Jun 2020 - 6:34pm
If Naruto Kill Nagato, Naruto will continue the cicle of hatred, cause if he kills Nagato, Konan will want revenge, if she gets that revenge on Naruto, maybe Hinata would want revenge too, and that's how it works... Every single villain in this story have reasons to do what they're doing, So they're not evil ones or good ones, they're bad methods, but even Naruto is aplying the bad ones if he kills Nagato, so that means that Naruto is the "Villian" from the Akatsuki point of view :v
Quiet, 22 Jun 2020 - 5:36pm
You talk too much, looking at the camera, and missing important points and dialogs
And you can't agree or sympathize with what he has done because you don't know his story yet. Simple. However, within the next episodes, you will come to know pain. When you do, I will be here to present you with a nice glimmering can of premium "I told you so".
Naruto is broken up about what pain said because Jiraya left his dream of finding peace to Naruto. The only way to achieve peace is through forgiveness. But Naruto wants revenge. Which is exactly what pain is saying. What makes your revenge any more just than my revenge? This cycle of revenge will never stop. And pain is not a purely revenge path like Naruto. Pain has a plan to bring peace. A fucked up plan but a plan nonetheless. Which Naruto doesn't have. He is purely trying to get his personal revenge on pain which will be gratifying to him but will do nothing to achieve the peace that jiraya wanted.
Ryze, 22 Jun 2020 - 5:22pm
Suzy, Naruto is starting to mature about what pain is, he's not broken at all
SERIOUSLY Suzy, No hating! But listen, this isnt like one of those episodes where after u hear the back story of the villain and start loving a character.. If u actually followed the plot and was not distracted doing your "reactions" you should not want pain dead at this point! I never wanted pain dead at this point cuz i understood the philosophy in this arc by this point! It was not "naruto broken" its enlightened! Pain says if one takes revenge and say it's justice another take revenge on him to get his justice and goes on and on a "cycle of hatred!" Nagato's everything lost cuz of leaf so he destrots leaf and naruto's everything lost and he destroys nagato and somebody will come at naruto after and so on!! Its all about breaking the Cycle! Understanding there is no good or bad in the word . Its personal satisfaction! " Quote from nagato in the previous episodes " you strive for your justice and i ...strive for mine". So if you still want nagato dead that means you agree with nagato that human beings cant break the cycle nor can understand one another.. its all about personal satisfacton! But Jiraya believe people could break the cycle and understand each other.. but the fact that u want nagato dead still mean jiraya's word has no value and nagato is right.. and when nagato points that out your like " dont u dare talk about Jiraya" .. ur so contradictory... U are shallow for shippuden so far. .. this is a turning point of the show and u completely missed it.. I hope u pay more attention to the plot and get better.
N0, 22 Jun 2020 - 5:06pm
"If one comes to call "VENGEANCE" justice, such justice will only breed further "VENGEANCE", and trigger a vicious CYCLE of HATRED."

Wow... Suzy wants the cycle of hatred to happen.
I feel like she needs to do Death Note to understand more about this good and evil stuff.
I hate this contradicting jumping back and forward with killing Pain! How can you say you love Jaraya while complete ignoring his philosophy and his teachings?! What about all the flashback of him wishing to deal with all the hatred in the world?! Simply jumping on the wagon for killing Pain on the spot, makes one part of the cycle of hatred. What was the point of this debate if Naruto simply exacted his vengeance? Would that make him any better than Pain? Hell NO?! That will simply prove his point?! Pain might die, be ultimately wins that way?! God dammit this is so irritating!!!
suzy. go watch the intro song now ^_^ no more spoilers there. its for jiraiya and naruto
Guys, let's all wait for Suzy to get shocked by Nagato's TRUE backstory instead of spamming hate at her. It's a lot better if she realizes the truth.

Next Episode

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