The Two Students - Naruto Shippuden Episode 169 Reaction


romma, 21 Jun 2020 - 11:27pm
Sometimes you have to suffer to learn, to fall to grow, to lose to gain because the most important lessons of life are learned through pain.

- Pain "Nagato"
I find it hilarious how much you say you hate Pain and you can't agree with him, yet you're proving him right by wanting Naruto to kill him.
I wish at least she understood Naruto and why he is conflicted inside instead of gaining personal satisfaction, even if she doesn’t completely understand Pain
Suzy if you only think about your Justice, you are like Pain. You are proving that Pain is right. You can't change the cycle of hatred.
Many people see Pain's point of view and accept/understand his ideology. But honestly I didn't connect with Pain as a character, nor did I really get behind the things he was saying. Kind of like how so many people enjoyed Thanos as a villain and I was just like "ehh still think he sucks". Pain is not the best villain in my opinion nor did I enjoy his arc.
What did you not enjoy about him? Or did you just not agree with the cycle of hatred monologue? If it's the latter, what exactly would you propose? You probably already know this, but he's essentially trying to set up MAD, the system at place in the real world today to deter war. What other system would you suggest?
He's a character claiming to want peace, but at the same time is exacting his own personal grudge against the hidden leaf village. And if you're thinking "no he went there to capture Naruto for his plan" that's bogus. If his objective was truly as noble as he claimed then why bring up how the leaf killed his parents? He brings it up over and over again, and when he finds out Naruto isn't in the village instead of walking away he blows it up. Pain is a flawed villain because while claiming to want to end the cycle of hatred he's contributing even more to it by exacting his personal vendetta. It's ridiculous. The closest you'll get to a permanent "peace" is the plot attempted in the final arc but obviously not gonna say what that is but we all know how it turned out. There's always going to be a bad guy, and always going to be violence. The negative part of free-will.
How is he exacting his own personal vendetta? Why wait 20 odd years to attack the leaf village? Why trust Jiraiya, a shinobi from the same village that killed his parents and destroyed his land? Pain's entire ideology is that until everyone shares the same pain there can never be true peace. He wants to end the cycle of hatred by giving each person a taste of the very same pain. So him destroying the Leaf village is merely an act upon his ideology. It would have been the same regardless of the location.
The filler episodes are: 170-171, 176-196, 223-242, 257-260

The ones worth reacting to are: 176-179, 182, 187, 188, 234, 239,
“Did Hinata get a boob job” cracked me up 😂😂
No Suzy she just hit puberty 😂😂
Suzy please watch the next 2 episodes quickly cause is a FILLER ARC episode 172-175 is what we want you to watch
I don't think anyone expects you to do a 180 and start loving Pain, people want you to understand the cycle of hatred. It's one of the most pivotal moments for the series and for Naruto's growth as a person. If you still want Naruto to kill Nagato for his and your own personal satisfaction than you've completely missed the point of what the cycle of hatred is about. Jiraiya's ideology was about coming to mutual understanding in order to eradicate the hatred in the world, so if Naruto kills Nagato out of hatred, he's going against the very ideology he was pursuing.
You keep saying "after everything they've done, they deserve to die" THIS statement right here can be applied to Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan after the Leaf and other Nations trampled on their village. THIS the kind of mentality that the cycle of hatred is trying to stop.
For the first time in his life, Naruto has realized that his comrades and the Leaf Village are NOT the only ones who suffer pain and misfortune. They are NOT the only ones entitled to want peace and revenge. They are NOT the "good guys". The show just happens to be set there. To the people of the Hidden Rain, Nagato is their Naruto; he's their hero. As Pain said, the "justice" he brought to the Leaf Village is the SAME "justice" you and Naruto want to bring on him. So why is it only fair that Naruto can have his justice and not Nagato?
Naruto is completely justified in wanting to kill Nagato no one denies that. But Nagato is also completely justified for wanting retribution for his own pain. That's the whole point of this arc. The only reason we as viewers don't automatically sympathize with Pain even though he's gone through TONS more suffering than Naruto is simply because Naruto's story follows the Leaf as the "main characters". I guarantee that if the show was called "Nagato" and followed his story and how his village was destroyed over and over by the exploitation of the Leaf and other Great Nations you would be rooting for his form of justice instead.
I'll wait for the episodes after 200 where suzy will find naruto respecting nagato....the mindset she has now...probably she would even say "naruto should die for respecting the one who killed my jiraiya"🤣🤣🤣....its like the time we were kids...we just wanted villains to die without knowing their side of the story
I feel like Nagato's justice of nuking the leaf village is a little different than Naruto wanting to kill Pain though. It would be one thing if he simply killed the Danzo and the Elder council who would have been responsible directly, but to kill everyone as if they are all directly responsible for his suffering is just incorrect factually. Way too much collateral was involved for it to be even close to justified imo.
A fair point. But for Nagato, it wasn't just an individual that caused him pain. From his pov, growing up in a war torn world, he blames the village system itself for warring for their own benefit, hence his goal to bring peace by essentially ensuring the great nations will never war again. I still believe it wasn't a personal grudge agains the Leaf that triggered his decision to destroy it, it was Tsunade's claim that the Leaf knows pain too. As we see, he was getting ready to leave the village for Mt. Myoboku before what Tsunade said to him. It's at that point that he makes the decision to make her eat her words.

Next Episode

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