Nine Tails, Captured! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 165 Reaction


Raven, 17 Jun 2020 - 7:04am
Just so I can be as cool as the others...
„Do you want to dance too?“

kNoW pAiN
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kuruta, 17 Jun 2020 - 5:41am
Pain is one the best characters in Naruto. He is in my top 5, I love this arc.
This is what I love about Naruto, the idea is that every single person in the world has their bad and good sides, so even if you think someone is wrong, there are probably a million other reasons in their perspective that they are right. Every villain in Naruto, has their fair share of backstory that shows where they went wrong, so even if they are bad, they have good too, and I just so much appreciate that aspect of this anime.

But I don't think i will ever like Danzo...the guy killed a poor frog and hid under the village for it be destroyed, the so called 'savior' of the Hidden Leaf..and that's just one example smh
No, I guess it's the fact that the true pain is exhausted as hell caus ehe destroyed an entire village and cause he wanted to talk bout his world view
The "Cycle of Hatred" speech and how it was executed in the story was just genius by Kishimoto. If you were unlucky to be born outside the five great nations, especially sandwiched in like the Rain, they (the five nations) might not look so heroic from your viewpoint. That's why he says true peace, not just the peace rewarded because you live in a great nation at the expense of a lesser village.
"Peace rewarded because you live in a great nation at the expense of a lesser village" That's actually an interesting angle on this whole thing. He kind of says this in different words but I never thought about it like that even though I've heard this speech many times.
I mean you say its wrong the way he goes about it, but, you wanted Shikamaru to kill Hidan and get revenge for him, you were rooting for Sasuke to kill Itachi to take revenge against his clan, you wanted Naruto to kill Pain and get revenge for Jiraiyan and the Leaf Village.
I love watching her face change after Pain starts to explain his reasonings 😂😂 the man had a very good point
What's funny is I literally said everything Pain said before even watching him say this. What he said was 100% correct lol I understand his reasoning and it makes absolute sense many hear what he said and understand it to a degree but not fully.
wiiztec, 17 Jun 2020 - 7:41pm
My dear, I have been around for eons longer than you, I've had quite some time to master all the dance moves of this world
JayTii, 17 Jun 2020 - 2:32am
I don’t think you really understand what his trying to do it’s basically in our world is W11 because for us that was such a horrific war that the whole world suffered and now we are terrified of starting a new war because we don’t want to go through another war like W11 so we all understand what pain is and no longer want to experience such pain anymore the tail beast weapon is the the same as nukes and if we fire one then all will suffer because tips over the nukes of other countries
