Who Are you? - Naruto Shippuden Episode 343 Reaction


Some of the answers you seek... well you know how it goes and depending on how far you actually are may already be answered.
To say Obito didn’t have a rough upbringing is a bit of a stretch. Considering he was in war at a young age and also didn’t have parents either.
Love the reaction Suzy! Obito wouldn't have been mad about the clan being slaughtered because that happened after the 3rd great war when he "died." Minato Namikaze had yet to become the 4th hokage and the 4th was already dead by the time the Uchiha clan was slaughtered. Itachi even stated that he had searched for the masked man to help him take out the clan.
Shubi, 31 Oct 2020 - 7:01pm
Don't think too much this series will explain everything, and you will also understand obito just like itachi or nagato.
Well I think it was to remind the viewers who obito is, this episode is over 200 episodes since obito was initially introduced in episodes 119 and 120, so a lot of people, especially people who watched the show one episode a week when it was still ongoing probably forgot who obito was.
Yeah this was actually not the fault of the anime either. This was all kishimoto. Ch 598 there is a few hints where kakashi briefly flashes back to the stone memorial of obito and then there is also the time where he is reffering to the eyes and you get that shot side by side. At that moment i think readers were just supposed to know who it was, but then next CH 599, it starts with an entire flashback story of obito uchiha and then ends with his sudden reveal. So the reveal it self wasn't really supposed to be shocking, but more so the hints that were given a chapter ago.

Obviously there is a better way the author could have gone about showcasing it for greater impact and shock reveal instead of providing so many hints leading up to it. I think the way Aezen was revealed in bleach to be the big bad was actually alot better then naruto's how ever the next major twist you did not ever see coming. So that one will be interesting to see suzy react to.
Big misunderstanding there obito answered the question " why didn't you come back home" because Rin died and not why the whole war but don't worry that question will be answered soon
Yeah, I don't know why a lot of people assume that rin's death was why he started the war.
Yeah girl once it clicks it clicks. Even the name "Tobi" is just Obito without one of the Os and scrambled up. Keep watching, you'll understand soon :)
