Danzo Shimura - Naruto Shippuden Episode 211 Reaction


Shiro, 17 Jul 2020 - 5:47am
I wish someday you can see the point of view of Danzo. Trying to control 9tails to protect village because he saw it destroying entire village and taking life of innocent. Trying to keep Naruto out of village during pain saga to keep Naruto safe from Pain and he did said he knew not many will die because tsunade will save them using his summoning Jutsu. So he didn't mean harm to civilians. About Uchiha Massacre, if he didn't asked Itachi to kill all the Uchiha. They would have tried to take over village as coup de ta and killed many innocent civilians. And just think entire Uchiha Clan fighting other leaf shinobis what a civil war it would be Absolute Chaos. Not to say seeing the situation and military power low other Hidden Villages could have tried to launch all out attack and kill and capture The Leaf Village. By keeping this secret and saying Itachi killed so called good people (uchihas) who wanted to start civil war he is trying to give Uchiha Clan the respect and image.

I don't know if you will read it. But if you do thanks.
Introducing a character like Danzo is one of the smartest moves the author ever made. Before the show seemed more or less, black and white. Danzo added a new level of grey to the show and the story got so much better because of it.
and Danzo is my favorite Hokage! at first i too thought Danzo was Madara/Tobi . eheheeh. The same Right Eye. the same Hair style. When Suzy first made that statement about Danzo being Tobi , that made me crack up laughing because i too thought it was like that. IM LOVE YOU Suzy!
Danzo is OP. Sasuke sucks! he not that strong! He's no stronger that itachi. That fight with itachi was not fair to begin with! Danzo is the shet! His techniques are like a master. He would've won that fight against sasuke. Danzo is like a dark strong Grandpa. my grandpa hehe.
Mike, 17 Jul 2020 - 5:09am
I hope suzy doesn't read comments, not only because of spoilers but mostly because people are basically telling her how to feel for each character, which is pure garbage. I want suzy's genuine honesty of how she feels and thinks of each character, if she hates sasuke, great, sasuke fanboys will have to suck it up that she does, same with danzo and what not.

There are so many young kids here that are super emotional about their favorite characters and it shines through heavily in the comment section - just don't let those get to your head Suzy, keep reacting your way and build your own opinion of the characters.
Well its more about misunderstanding stuff, or forgetting about them, like Itachi's goal, which was to make himself a criminal and protect the reputation of the Uchiha and have Sasuke kill him so he would be the hero that avenged the Uchiha, but she forgot and said that Itachi wanted revenge on the village, which was clearly not the case, and so on.

Besides seeing others people opinions on a character can help you understand it better, like the situation with Sakura lying to Naruto
They're not necessarily telling her how to feel, they're just giving her a different perspective.
this episode did not change how i feel about donzo didnt like him never will but that was hilarious u thinking sasuke was gonna save karin
Thats the point of his character, he will do whatever it takes to protect the village, not caring about morals or what others think of him, he does what the Hokage cant do, he does the dirty work in the shadows, he is the Dark Hokage, he will protect the village at any cost, even his own life.
No one understands sasuke and its really sad and pathetic, Sasuke has 3 main plot points that makes him how he is now, the death of his family as a chilled is reason enough for half of the shit his done, he was fucking 7 years old, people break and go insane for less, then his brothers story flied his world upside down.... "but people say why does he want to kill everyone and not just the elders" , well my chilled beside his emotional state and mind being used for the most intense game of ping pong ever, its all in his blood line and in his eyes Literally, if your a real fan u understand what I means, because we cant talk about that its spoilers that no one seams to understand btw

if your a real fan you can answer this question,
how does an Uchiha develop the sharingan in the first place?
not to mention the mangekyo sharingan?

why the fuck do you thing Kakashi can use his sharingan in the first place?
you think it was just a simple transfer with no pre-requisite's

and then theirs the 3rd reason why sasuke is how he is but that's omega scale spoilers its almost at the end of the show
Now talking about this Douchebag Danzo. Suzy, your anger will be restored. Danzo is actually a huge hyprocrite. Danzo only claimed to believe in self sacrifice when its not him that has to sacrifice himself. I mean in this fight he was going to die anyway so it doesn't count. During Pain's attack he was not willing to help because it was more important to him to be Hokage than to save the lives of many people. All of those people who died, he referred to them as necessary sacrifices. The dude is a dick. He didnt blink an eyelash when he watching Madara suck in his 2 bodyguards. No empathy towards anybody else, only cares about becoming Hokage. Danzo did a lot of what he did to protect the leaf, in a way that he would benefit. If he was not benefiting, he wasn't interested.
Not really, the fact that he himself took his life speaks volumes, even if he knew he was gonna die anyway, taking your own life takes A LOT of courage and for a person that was aware of his cowardice and even failed to take that decision before, it means a lot, he sacrifice himself for the village, when before he was incapable of that out of fear.

It does count, cause he is the one that took the decision.
To me it seems more like he tried to make more out of his unavoidable death at that point. It seems he always wanted glory and even if it was after death he would get it by taking Madara and Sasuke with him.
Dave, 17 Jul 2020 - 11:39am
Nah. The least that he was thinking in his last moments is personal glory. In his last moments he reconciles himself with Hiruzen and dies to protect the Leaf. Even if it's a mere symbolyc last act of desperation, this time he didn't ran away and chose to be "the decoy", not out of personal glory but more out of personal catharsis and a sense of duty.
To me it seems more like he tried to make more out of his unavoidable death at that point. It seems he always wanted glory and even if it was after death he would get it by taking Madara and Sasuke with him.
Dave, 17 Jul 2020 - 11:40am
Nah. The least that he was thinking in his last moments is personal glory. In his last moments he reconciles himself with Hiruzen and dies to protect the Leaf. Even if it's a mere symbolyc last act of desperation, this time he didn't ran away and chose to be "the decoy", not out of personal glory but more out of personal catharsis and a sense of duty
Suzy calm down. It should have been very obvious to you that Sasuke cares more about revenge than his teammates. He risked killing both Jugo and the water guy and didnt care to rescue them and he only bothered with Karin because he needed her to find Danzo. The mission is #1 to Sasuke. And lets not act like he just killed Karin. She was a hostage and he saw the perfect opportunity to take out Danzo and since killing Danzo is #1, if Karin had to die, its an easy sacrifice for him.
RUIN, 17 Jul 2020 - 3:06am
The saddest mistranslation in this for me is that they called the secret organization The Foundation, instead of The Root. The part of the village that is exposed in the sunlight is the leaf, and the secret part buried under ground and holding it up is the root.
JFT94, 17 Jul 2020 - 3:00am
Suzy the Uchiha were going to ATTACK the village! Something had to be done!
The Uchiha weren’t innocent. They wanted to kill a lot of innocent people and cause a huge war.
