Danzo Shimura - Naruto Shippuden Episode 211 Reaction


Danzo was a necessary character, he was the one who would do all the dirty work for the Leaf (including amazingly unspeakable things), but Danzo truly wanted peace, but he believed he was the one needing to control everything in order to achieve it.
Naruto fights in general are like that they're not dbz since powers aren't simple punches or kicks and their battles are more chess like in smarts and strategizing i know you may not like it but be prepared for more in that future definitely also it try to appreciate it cause you will actually find enjoyment in why certain abilities are feared over others
Definitely not a fan of danzo but everything he ever did was his way of protecting the village. It may not have been right, but he did truly care about the leaf and would do anything to protect it
Suzy you got the wrong idea. Danzo don’t want another war from happening cos if the Uchiha would launch an attack that will leave the village vulnerable for other village to attack. And other village will use this opportunity to attack. All Danzo is doing to to protect the leaf but the way he’s doing it is wrong.
muayad, 17 Jul 2020 - 12:31am
you keep saying that danzo killed the innocent uchiha where it seems that you totally forgot that they were planning a coup detat upon the hidden leaf, if they succeed the defense of the village will be low that it might trigger other villages to attack which may result into the biggest disaster a great ninja war upon nations just imagine all innocent people and orphans such as pain get killed in war just because the uchiha clan couldn't stand the discrimination towards them. Time ran out the third hokage couldnt solve the issue through negotiations and danzo had to act and ordered itachi to kill the clan in the night of the coup if that didnt happen a war might start they always say a small loss is needed to avoid a bigger loss. from my opinion as a watcher who neither stand with the uchiha or the hidden, Danzo did the right thing to do there was no other option!
And if theres anyone to blame for all this, its Madara, since his attack on the village with the nine-tails was what started the tension between the Hidden Leaf and the Uchiha in the first place
This isn't really even sasuke's lowest momment. Did everybody forget that sasuke tried to kill team 7 ealier in the series but orochimaru stoped him.
And this is why I hated Sasuke for a VERY long time. How dare he do that to one of my favorite female characters. I was just so freaking shocked I couldn't believe it, OMG.
Cobby, 17 Jul 2020 - 12:09am
He was a bit of a nationalist zealot, but the reason he hated the uchiha was because they put their clan before they put the village. It goes against the philosophy of 'the will of fire', which puts the interests of the leaf first, and perpetually puts it's efforts into raising the next generation. It's about humility and the uchiha lacked this. Ironically, Danzo unwittingly lacked this quality also.
Danzo’s death shows even the biggest dickheads don’t start out that way. They have a past and somewhere along that line things went wrong and there own beliefs come into play. For Danzo it was doing whatever horrible and messed up things he could but all for the sake of the village he loved and he believed working in the shadows and darkness was the way to do it.
Dave, 17 Jul 2020 - 1:15am
That's how shinobis were in real life. Working in the shadows. He's the most real character in the show
like it's really messed up because danzo had stabbed sasuke too and karin saved him and it doesn't make any difference to him he still called her useless for being taken hostage. kind of like how kakashi originally was when rin got captured he was gonna just leave her behind
